infusion consumables

Discussion in 'Materials' started by catbaloo, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. catbaloo
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    catbaloo Junior Member

    I am looking for infusion consumables. Items such as resin inflow tubing, spiral wrap, T pieces, flow mesh etc. Currently buying from Europe / UK and finding it more expensive than expected. There must be cheaper suppliers in Asia but what is the quality like? Appreciate any leads.
  2. crazyhorseX
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    crazyhorseX New Member

    Searching for the same :)

    consumables are very expensive

  3. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    Search the composite suppliers in the U.S. as there are plenty. I used to get my supplies from Richmond.

    The thick wall clear vacuum lines and fittings and the spiral wrap we buy from big hardware stores. There are hydraulic lines and various fittings available from hardware stores. These are thin wall, stiff plastic tubes that can be used either in pneumatic or vacuum applications. Expensive though. I use that for permanent installation. The clear thick wall and associated fittings variety stands up to medium vacuum.

    Being located in the Philippines, I buy the local stuff. The vacuum flow media I use is the fluffy thing called the liner used in making coats and jackets. It is made out of polysester I think. The peel ply is sourced from fabric suppliers. It is the cloth used in making umbrellas. Get the thin one. The thicker ones are non porous. Flow mesh I buy from hardware stores. It is actually plastic chicken wire mesh. Comes in varying mesh sizes.

    The spiral wrap is usually available in electronic stores. It is used to bind wiring harness and sold in rolls.

    The sticky tape comes from auto stores used to install glass windows. Two types. One is very sticky, the other takes some kneading.
  4. adam_designer
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    adam_designer Junior Member

    sahring my experience

    Guys, If you stuck in this situation, you may looking for substitute materials

    almost my whole infusion process. i am using substitute that you could get it almost anywhere in home depot, or other local store. here we go.

    1. Mesh/ flow media
    I used some plastic mesh, work 100 perfect, the plastic mesh thickness is about 0,8 mm. normally this was used as garden meshing.

    2. peel ply
    some fabric like nylon or dacron, the cheapest sintetic fabric is workable, the problem is, it rather more difficult to release that normal peelply fabric.

    3. Plastic bag
    believe or not. I use "common" plastic you could get at nearest plastic store, i tried from thicker one to 100 mikron, I would say all is perfect. BUT. in some cases, the exotermic would soften the plastic, but never make it melt in my ccases. you may said I am crazy, but it works FINE.

    4. T connector

    Hey, anything that could connecy hosing is just fine, you could use home plumbing t connector, choose the small one. i said anything that could connect hose and spiral, is fine

    5. spiral hose
    cable spiral is 100% fine. no KIDDING. the spiral may pressed under vacuum but once you open resin flow, it will trasfer the resin without any doubt.

    6. sealant tape
    this one is frustrating, u cannot find the substitute, i tried an air con sealer tube or glass bonding sealer, but it was even more expensive. this one up to now, i cant find the appropriate stuff.


    I was ussin 3M double tape, it is just plastic with double sided glue, IF YOU DID IT CAREFULLY YOU MAY USE IT. I REPEAT CAREFULLY, once i use it to make some cabin sides, it works just fine.

    i hope it helps and do it properly.

  5. groper
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    groper Senior Member

    I just use the cheap black polyethylene irrigation tubing for the resin and vacuum lines - it doesnt crush at all unless its deliberately kinked, even with 100% vacuum applied...
  6. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    Usually if I have seen the parts somewhere locally, I know where to buy it or at least know who manufactures them based on the bulk label.

    Another trick is to have a purchasing arm in your company instead of you worrying where to get it. That way, all the accounting and credit system is handled by the purchasing. In the purchasing department, we have "footbuyers". One who goes around "on foot" scrounging the industrial area supplier for the item. They are worth their weight in gold as they usually find the source of the item. Buy direct. These composite suppliers don't manufacture the item themselves. They just know where to get it.

    Another thing to consider is liazing up with an offshore purchasing officer based on the country where you do the bulk of purchasing. Say for example, you buy a lot of hatches, windows, bilge pumps, cleats, electronics, ect, you send the requirement to the offshore purchasing officer, he buys them on credit (even secure a license and get it tax free for export) and consolidates it in a shipping container. Pays for itself in savings.
  7. catbaloo
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    catbaloo Junior Member

    Thanks guys.
    A few points and please I am not being critical : We use spiral wrap as resin feed as well as the vac line around the edge of the mould. To soft and it collapses and slows the resin. Not a problem as the vac line. Unfortunately cheap is soft.
    Black irrigation tubing. Here in Dubai sourcing that is not a problem but how can you see the resin flow? Adam, that mesh must eat resin. I know shade mesh works.
    Air condition suppliers use a tack tape but I am yet to find a cheap one.

    Rxcomposite, I would love to leave it to a purchaser but in most cases what is found is not exactly like the sample supplied and decisions need to be made on the spot.

    I have a few connections in China but the quality and the order quantities bothers me.

    Thanks again
  8. groper
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    groper Senior Member

    Why do you need to see the resin in the feed lines? I get by just fine knowing the resin is flowing with a vacuum applied and the clamps released...

    As to spiral, you are correct that cheap stuff collapses. The stuff you need is called pigs tail. It's used for wrapping hydraulic lines on earthmoving and mining equipment . I spiced it direct from the manufacturer which took some finding here in Australia . Now days, I don't use spiral anymore for feeds or vacuum lines... There are easier and better and cheaper alternatives...
  9. idkfa
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    idkfa Senior Member

    Hi rxcomposite, is the umbrella material nylon or polyester, tks.

  10. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member


    I think it is nylon. I just buy it from the textile retailer. The other one that is hard to peel off I think is made of polyester. I just showed my original sample to them and they showed me rolls and rolls of different cloth. They said it is for making umbrellas.

    The thick one, the one for making backpacks (and probably hot air baloons) is not porous. It is waterproof or treated fabric.

    They test it by burning the edges with a lighter and from the looks of it, they can identify the fabric.
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