Industrial Epoxy?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Murky Deep, Dec 19, 2020.

  1. Murky Deep
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    Murky Deep Junior Member

    Reuel Parker and others have mentioned 2:1 industry epoxy as very good for boat building and economically practical. Does anyone know of a source? It would be used for adding a layer of xynole over a wooden hull.
  2. Waterwitch
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    Waterwitch Senior Member

  3. Eric ruttan
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    Eric ruttan Senior Member

    Is there such a thing as industrial epoxy?
    Is it not just epoxy?
    If you are looking for epoxy, would not a general location help to find a local source?
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Industrial coatings are usually only sold to the trades.
  5. Eric ruttan
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    Eric ruttan Senior Member

    'Industrial coatings' is not equal to epoxy.
    Does 'usually only sold to the trades' make it 'Industrial', to your mind?
    But I don't know of any industrial coating that requires being 'in the trades' in order to purchase. But I am often wrong.
  6. Blueknarr
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    I worked as an individual painter for several decades.

    You don't know the brands because you are out of the loop of being in the trade.

    Industrial coatings can require more personal protection than the over the counter diy version.

    Often they are packaged in large quantities. I sprayed a significant amount of a paint chemically identical to Awlgrip. $1500 per 55 gal drum ten drum minimum order.
  7. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Epoxy labeled as “marine”, is most certainly an industrial product carrying an inflated price tag.
    If you’re familiar with specifications of the product you wish to use, you’ll be able to shop for what you need from industrial suppliers.
    However, you’ll probably need to open a commercial account, and order significantly larger quantities than you'd find in local marine stores.
  8. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    Check thru old threads about epoxy or cheap epoxy.
    There have been dozens and several made recommendations for "cheaper" epoxys which had been proven out by forum-ites.
    You might also check out the Woodenboat web site.
  9. Murky Deep
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    Murky Deep Junior Member

    I just looked at Raka, it’s half the price of west systems in the local stores. Thanks!
  10. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Many "commercial" or "industrial" "epoxies" are hydrophilic. They are designed to protect the substrate, not be structural. Think garage floor, pool, or terrazzo coatings or bindings. These epoxies are not formulated for full time water contact and can volumetrically swell 5-7%. Even many "marine" epoxies will absorb water and volumetrically swell under <cough> large pressures. This volumetric swelling can damage the laminate depending on the exact situation. DBEYROTI, YMMV.
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  11. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    be very careful and pay heed to Hardiman; a ply s&g builder I know used an industrial epoxy used in sewer lining industry or roads or some such and the viscosity was rather low or water issues and did not bond to his substrate; he built the boat; it delaminated or swelled under bilge ingress and condensation occurred and he peeled a great deal of his hull lining off two year later; the boat was gutted and dried and he purchased an epoxy formulated for boats
    rwatson likes this.
  12. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    You mean adhesive? Search Hysol, Clickbond, and 3M. Usually "industrial" means expensive than off the shelf products.
  13. Murky Deep
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    Murky Deep Junior Member

    Any of you use raka? I had never heard of it prior to this thread
  14. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Murky D,
    Put Raka in the search window in the upper right corner
    and you'll find all the posts, in reverse order, that contain
    any mention of the name.
    Much more productive than asking,

  15. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Pretty sure I've met a couple of people recently who had to be taking industrial-strength "stupid pills" :eek:
    bajansailor likes this.
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