In the search of the concept designer of a 10m professional alu boat

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by Artashes Uliyanov, Dec 24, 2020.

  1. Artashes Uliyanov
    Joined: Dec 2020
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    Artashes Uliyanov Junior Member


    I am in the search of a designer to cooperate on the concept design of a cabin version of our 10m professional boat model (still a concept as well).

    To be short, I need to add the superstructure and put as much, as possible, from my 12m model:
    Photos of SWR-120 - 12m multi-purpose, heavy-duty professional boat by S-Ribs

    Into my 10m model:
    Photos of SWR-090 - 9m multi-purpose, heavy-duty professional boat by S-Ribs

    In the first row, I would like to see what you have already done in terms of the concept designs (better already built) and see if we look in the same direction. So, please, send me the links or online portfolios directly to our email:

    The first result of our cooperation should be the 3D and GA (99% the one, which will be finally built).
    Right after - we plan to start doing the rest of the design project (including the CNC files and systems), so, if you are qualified, you can partially participate on other stages.

    P.S. We work in Rhino and AutoCAD, though, if you work in any other is not a stop-factor.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2020
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Artashes, there are quite a few gentlemen on here who would be capable of doing what you are looking for - but the reason as to why none of them have replied so far is that maybe they think that you are basically after as much 'free' information as possible (?)

    Who did the design work (so far) for your SWR-120?
    She looks very fine - it would be logical to get the same people to carry on with your design work surely?
    Or is this not possible?
  3. Artashes Uliyanov
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    Artashes Uliyanov Junior Member

    >>but the reason as to why none of them have replied so far is that maybe they think that you are basically after as much 'free' information as possible

    I actually don't see what 'free' information could that be, other than when people show their portfolio and finished projects, really... So I don't get a clue, sorry)

    My 12m boat was made by many different parties, who were managed by me from the stage of "a blank paper", but we have spent too much time for that and some of those people are not available at the moment. Moreover, I am always in the constant search of the like-minded people, while, you know, taste differ, qualification as well. Some people can do certain thing better...

    I do certainly negotiate with some well-known design bureaus currently, but once again, some people can do design well, some architecture, some are more closer to commercial market, other to medium-sized boats etc. etc. My purpose is to get the best/effective result from the strong side of each party.
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Your links and website are not working.
  5. Artashes Uliyanov
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    Artashes Uliyanov Junior Member

    Weird. I log in from Netherlands and everything works...
    TANSL likes this.
  6. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    They work for me.
  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    This is what I get

  8. Radenpm9
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    Radenpm9 Junior Member

    It works for me.
    Probably you can try different web browser or use VPN @gonzo
  9. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Who's VPN?
  10. Radenpm9
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    Radenpm9 Junior Member

    VPN = Virtual Private Network.
    If the web can be accessed from the Netherlands, etc. I assume your country restricts the connection to the web. It is similar to Facebook restriction in China.
    So VPN is used to bypass the geographical restriction. Or your security setting might also be too high that doesn't allow connection to "not secure" website (hover your cursor to the "i" on the web address). On the other hand, this forum web is safe (indicated by padlock sign on the web address). These are my assumptions I might be wrong. :)

  11. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I know what a VPN is. I use it everyday. However, to access a VPN I would need a username and a password. I can't see why you suggest using a VPN.
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