Importing to Maxsurf from Solid Works

Discussion in 'Software' started by Will121162, Jun 1, 2022.

  1. Will121162
    Joined: Jun 2022
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    Will121162 New Member

    newbie here, I'm currently designing boats in solid works and trying to export via IGES but I frequently have significant surface issues that make it almost impossible to fix in the modeler.
    I think I'm like most people when I say I want to spend as little time in the modeler as possible and I'm mainly interested in the resistance and stability suites.
    I also have access to rhino 3 but it can only import other rhino files.
    any help would be much appreciated, thank you!
  2. baeckmo
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    Try to use the STEP format instead; it seems to be more stable between different CAD's.
    TANSL likes this.
  3. Will121162
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    Will121162 New Member

    how do you import .step to maxsurf? I dint know you could
  4. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Most of the problems of importing IGES is due to the tolerance, in fact if the surfaces are separated i think there are maybe gaps between a surfaces, the best way is to join that surfaces and then export into IGES, check them, if your able to create a solid, and maybe share the IGES I will try to fix for you.
  5. bhnautika
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    bhnautika Senior Member

    Will you are right STEP is not an import file format in maxsurf. IGES is probably your best chance for nurbs, for best results you need to have the centre line of the boat on the zero line not out in space. You only need the starboard side of the hull, then turn on the (tick) symmetrical box in properties. Maxsurf doesn’t import trimmed surfaces only the original. I think from memory solid works has solid and surfaces, maxsurf is a surfaces modeller, I have found IGES 143 from rhino to maxsurf with the above criteria works.
  6. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Heck o_O for a software at the cost of €5,435 – €9,058 12-month subscription license, doesn't import trimmed surfaces, totally upset about.

    From the brochure:
    "The Modeler design module, the core of the MAxSurf range,
    provides naval architects with the design tools necessary to
    create optimized hull forms quickly, accurately, and with minimal
    training. Any number of NurB surfaces can be joined, trimmed,
    and manipulated to create a complete model ready for hydrostatic
    and performance analysis or construction detailing."
    baeckmo likes this.

  7. bhnautika
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    bhnautika Senior Member

    Yes you can trim surfaces in maxsurf with another surface and it will export as trimmed surface into say rhino but it needs the original trimming surface imported to re-do the trim in maxsurf. A surface cut with a curve or a deleted surface in a another program will not import. Its better to do the hull in maxsurf and export out
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