Importing hull lines from Autocad to Maxsurf

Discussion in 'Software' started by Kjelln, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. Kjelln
    Joined: Oct 2014
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    Kjelln New Member

    I am doing a education project where i have made hull lines in Autocad and trying to import the lines to Maxsurf(v8) as dxf markers. I had to turn the axis in the import options to get the ship in correct direction. (See enclosed Pictures).
    But i dont know if it is correct because the hull is far away from the Zero pt. in maxsurf. And how to correct this.
    Another problem is that in some of the frames it seems to be impossible to sort the markers so that the frame looks ok. Espessialy where the bulbous bow is.
    I am completly New in this software so i dont know what i am doing wrong.
    I will be wery Happy if someone have a good idea :).

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  2. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    The first thing you should do is check that the boat is in the AutoCAD world coordinate system. The X axis should be in longitudinal sense, stern-bow of the boat. Y-axis positive to port and the Z axis at the after perpendicular, positive upward.
    My second tip is to generate hull surfaces in AutoCAS and then export them in iges format to Maxsurf. Forget about the "markers" because you'll go crazy for the surfaces generated with Maxsurf pass through these points: it is impossible to get.
  3. Kjelln
    Joined: Oct 2014
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    Kjelln New Member

    Hello again!
    Thankyou wery much, it made me one step forward. I like Your gallery!
    Now i am working i Autocad With the hull. It remains the forward part where the bulbous bow is, and that seems to be some difficult (Picture). I think the surfaces need to be of nurbs type to be used in Maxsurf.
    I think also i need a deck in order to use the stability module in Maxsurf, but are not sure about that yet. Also tanks need to be defined some way..
    The time until exam and project delivery will not be booring i think :D

    Attached Files:

    • ship.jpg
      File size:
      60.4 KB

  4. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    If you use water lines instead of frames to define surfaces, you can also include the bulbous bow.
    Do not create a surface between every two waterlines. Try to create a single surface supporting it in all water lines.
    Forget the NURBS surfaces and stuff. Export surfaces as .igs file and Maxsurf will import them perfectly.
    You must define tanks in MaxSurf.
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