importing design from Rhino into maxsurf??

Discussion in 'Software' started by willthom, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. willthom
    Joined: Oct 2013
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    willthom New Member

    I have designed a 11.5m offshore power boat in Rhino4, but I am having issues putting it into Maxsurf 13 to help with hydrostatics and loadcases can any one offer any advice?? it will just about do it if I run it through solidworks, but this messes up the axis as solidworks Z axis is vertical.??:confused:
  2. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    In general, for CAD programs, the vertical axis is always the Z axis.
    If you draw the Rhinos model with vertical Z axis, you may not have problems exporting the file to any other CAD program.
  3. zeroname
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    zeroname Naval Architect

    when u export from rhino as igs format, you can change the correct axis to maxsurf format.
    or rotate the model in rhino to match with maxsurf axis system, then import the *3dm file in maxsurf

  4. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Importing * 3dm files directly to MaxSurf may experience some problems, especially when trimmed surfaces exist in the model. It is much safer to create a .igs file from Rhino and then import it into MaxSurf. At that time, in fact, you can indicate the shafts to be adopted by MaxSurf.
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