Imported C.S.M problems

Discussion in 'Materials' started by pescaloco, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. pescaloco
    Joined: Feb 2006
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    pescaloco Senior Member

    Hey guys,

    My local supplier is selling CSM that is just crap, the fibers are very loosely bound and it is almost impossible to rip the mat to make a feathered edge instead the mat just shreds and balls up . I asked them for a better quality American made product and they claim that is how mat is, and all that is available.

    Could somebody please advise on a supplier that will sell in small quantities such as a roll at a time. Hopefully they are on the west coast of the USA so as not to kill me on the shipping charges

    thank you
  2. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    Not sure who you currently deal with, but there are some products that are in short supply, plus US made product can cost more, so many suppliers lead with offshore glass.

    Try Composites One, they should have a couple different brands to chose from.
  3. pescaloco
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    pescaloco Senior Member

    Thanks Ondarvr

    What would I ask for to make sure I didn't end up with the same crap.
  4. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    Ask for domestic glass, or at least their house brand (tighter controls).
  5. pescaloco
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    pescaloco Senior Member

    Thank you !!!
  6. Herman
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    Herman Senior Member

    I see a lot of variation, both in European products (no experience with US produced stuff) and Middle or East Asian products. From all countries I have had materials that was hard to use, and material that worked perfectly.

    At this moment Jushi (CN) seems to work OK.
  7. scotch&water
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    scotch&water Junior Member

    Check out Fiberlay in Seattle 1 800 942 0660
  8. FGM08
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    FGM08 Junior Member

    There are three types of Chopped strand mat: Powder binder, Emulsion binder and Stitched with polyester yarn. Powder and Emulsion usually have good wet-out properties, but stitched one should be much tighter bound. By the way, we are offering CSM Jushi produced with very competitive price. Any inquiries are welcomed.

  9. Herman
    Joined: Oct 2004
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    Herman Senior Member

    Indeed. We sell Jushi in The Netherlands, and their product is of very high quality.

    Keep in mind that powder and emulsion bound CSM only works well with polyester or vinylester resins. For epoxy, if you feel the need for CSM, you should use stitch bound.
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