Import surface from Rhino to Maxsurf

Discussion in 'Software' started by deanlife, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. deanlife
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    deanlife Junior Member

    Hi, currently I`m trying to import as Iges format some surfaces from rhino to maxsurf. But its says that maxsurf only supports max of 20 surfaces.
    Does anyone know how to import more than 20 surfaces.
    PS: Ive tried import from .3dm extension but it is even worst because maxsurf only supports 12 surfaces.
  2. priyeshsaxena
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    priyeshsaxena Junior Member

    it wont import completely through rhino to maxsurf, you will have to work on maxsurf to get a ready surface for calculations.

    can you share your 3dm/igs file?

    With Regards
  3. deanlife
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    deanlife Junior Member

  4. priyeshsaxena
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    priyeshsaxena Junior Member

    Thanks for sharing, will have a look and get back to you.

  5. deanlife
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    deanlife Junior Member

    Allright, hope you can help me :)
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Maxsurf has a more expensive version that supports an unlimited number of surfaces.
    However, to avoid the problem you have I would export only hull surfaces. Subsequently transverse bulkheads and tank bulkheads should be define in Maxsurf.
  7. Dr34m3r
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    Dr34m3r Senior Member

    As TANSL said, if you are using free version or academic version of Maxsurf, you will have to reduce the number of surface in rhino.
  8. deanlife
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    deanlife Junior Member

    allright, thank you guys
    the problem is that maxsurf has a poor modeler tools compared to rhino...

  9. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Yes, that is so. Therefore, many users of Maxsurf use other software to create the models. However, in general, Maxsurf imports files in various formats without any problem.
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