IMP Boats Information

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by JKE, Jan 17, 2005.

  1. lowboy
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    lowboy Junior Member

    Whats the best repair manuel for a 1967 omc electricshift ?
  2. lowboy
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    lowboy Junior Member

    Got the upper and lower apart and the upper and water pump look great. Lower had milky oil in it, so it needs seals in it.

  3. lowboy
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    lowboy Junior Member

    Put the new bearings seals and retainer plate in today, took the transom seal off to put the new one on tomorrow. Waiting on lower end gasket kit to get here and water pump shaft. My new SS 14x15 prop got here today too.

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  4. lowboy
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    lowboy Junior Member

    Found out my forward clutch spring is broken and that why it wont go into gear. does anyone have one laying around on a junk bottom end? 313455 is the part #
  5. aluminum magnet
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    aluminum magnet New Member

    Outdrive parts

    Is your outdrive the electric shift with the hydraulic pump in the lower case? I have some parts for those. Here is our imp, 1975 Inca

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  6. lowboy
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    lowboy Junior Member

    just the electric shift
  7. pdave1s
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    Early Inca cabin cruiser/project 4 sale $600 Firm

    Due to health reasons I am being forced to sell my Inca project.
    The hull is in good shape, with no rot. the stringers are in excellent condition.
    The interior needs cushions and the deck needs 4 pedestal chairs. It also needs to have an engine cover made for it. The control station was messed up due to exposure, and a new one has been fabricated, steering is attached, but needs drilled and wired for gauges. Transom is in middle of conversion from early Volvo to OMC, and will need finished.
    Have running high perf OMC 351, with another complete engine for spares.(engines, and drive have not been used in salt water)
    Outdrive was rebuilt over winter, new water pump impeller, housing, and swivel housing seals. Lower end was vacuum tested and passed no problem, have 14, and 15 pitch props. All wiring and hardware is there, just needs assembled. Trailer is custom made tandem axle , with walk arounds and ladders on both sides. For someone willing to put some time, and a little money this boat would be a nice rig. interior porta potty in its own closet, sink, place for an icebox, and alcohol stove makes this a great weekender
    if interested, Email me at, or call at 707-998-8223
    This boat is located on the central California coast
  8. bankershrs
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    bankershrs New Member

    1989 IMP 270 Express

    Just testing the waters with this note. I have owned a 270 Express for about 15 years and it is time to move on to a pontoon. The boat is in average condition, maybe good for its age. Has single 260 Mercruiser with 1300 hours. Good runner, full tune up at beginning of last season. Full camper top with windows and screens. This has been a great boat for us. It has its needs due to age and my inability to keep it up like I used to. I am going to donate for tax write off unless someone here has an interest in it. If any interest, I can email pics and more details. Located in north central IL. If I can get around $4K, its gone. I'll watch site for any replies.
  9. urnvs
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    urnvs New Member

    1972 Imp Inca

    I just bought a 24' (ish) 1972 Imp Inca cuddy cabin and was hoping that someone here might be able to help me with more information about this boat? It has twin Mercruiser inline 6's (Chevy 250/Merc 165 I believe) and dual Mercruiser outdrives.

    Among other things, Id like to get my hands on the owners manual. Also, the boat doesnt have any sort of deck roof/covering. What was supposed to go on these from the factory, and how would I go about getting it replaced?

    Are there any common issues I should look out for? So far, the engines fired up nicely with fresh plugs and fresh gas and the propellers spin when engaged. Most of the gauges dont seem to work anymore, are there more current offerings (maybe a digital dash) that are compatible with the old GM sensors?

    It looks almost identical to this one -
  10. lowboy
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    lowboy Junior Member

    Well I got the lower all rebuilt and back hanging on the boat, Waiting on it to stop raining to fill it with lube and try it out.
  11. urnvs
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    urnvs New Member

    If anyone is parting out their Inca, Im looking for the cuddy cabin door.
  12. NadaBoring
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    NadaBoring Two Time IMP Owner

    Those Incas came with either a hard top or open to the sky with a canvas half-cover Bimini. Yours looks to be the one without the hardtop. You can get full cover Bimini from a few places here in Phoenix for about a grand, perhaps a bit more, and a bit less for the half cover. Includes plastic side curtains. Check Craigslist for a cuddy door. Otherwise, I don't know about that. If you have the OMC outdrive you can download a manual online or find one for sale that way. You won't have any luck finding an owners manual, I don't think. As for your dash, might be a loose or disconnected wire or a blown fuse. Digital dash, again I have no idea. Most likely you can make what you have work and that's retro and beautiful. Good luck.
  13. NadaBoring
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    NadaBoring Two Time IMP Owner


    Arizona Awning in Phoenix is a great place for Bimini covers. I've used them a lot over the years. The only issues I would be especially looking at for your boat now is dry or wet rot from exposure if the boat has been sitting for an extended time in the open without cover. I believe MerCruisers use hydraulics for tilt and I'm an OMC guy so I have no comment about that. If you go back to the very beginning pages of this forum you will find a lot of useful information about IMPs posted in those days. Not so much, lately. I recently gave my '75 IMP Aztec to my son who is getting it lake ready, but slowly. Mostly outdrive problems. Check your motor mounts for dry rot around the bolts. Check your gas tanks for water around them. I'm out of suggestions. Again, good luck. I love it when I see an older IMP cruising the waters.
  14. Dudley1956
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    Dudley1956 New Member

    Hey everyone, I just bought a 1973 IMP boat, (my very first boat) for $100.00. Don't know anything about the boat except that it belonged to a neighbor of mine, and he recently passed away, and his wife sold it to my wife. It has a 302 CI Ford V8 and mercruiser 880 outdrive, can anybody tell me if I got a good deal or should I scrap this boat before sinking a lot of money into it. Any and all replies would be helpful, thanks

  15. NadaBoring
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    NadaBoring Two Time IMP Owner

    Dudley, you could have a gem. This was once considered the Cadillac of boats and there was no finer boat in its class for comfort and reliability. If the boat has been stored inside and not out in the weather that's good. If outside and not covered, that's not so good. The areas to check, or have a professional check, would be for wood rot, the motor mounts, the gas tank, and the motor itself. Check the hull for damage, etc. The good news is that if you have a serviceable boat a little bit of money might get it afloat and you can have a lot of fun with it. The bad news is that this boat is never going to get you a lot of money on resale and you most likely cannot get insurance on it. So, be careful how much you spend. Without seeing a photo it's hard to advise you. Good luck. If you decide to part it out, this forum might be a good place to advertise your parts.
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