Fareast 26 to Form One Design class in 2010 China Cup International Regatta

Discussion in 'Class Societies' started by Elaine, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. Elaine
    Joined: Aug 2010
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    Elaine Junior Member

    2010 China Cup International Regatta will greet a new one design class--- Fareast 26, the latest keelboat made by Shanghai Far East FRP Co., Ltd., one of the largest sailboat builders in China. This time, six FE26s are going to compete in international race following its presence in China's City Clubs Regatta held in this June in Qingdao when a fleet of 11 FE26s served as the sole racing boat.


    :)FE26 at China’s Club Regatta, Qingdao, June, 2010

    With its successful debut at Dusseldorf Boat Show this January, FE26 marked the manufacturer’s expansion into keelboat market based on its years’ of experience and expertise in dingy building. Designed by SIMONIS VOOGD, FE26 is a modern design with beautiful short lines and innovative features, suited both for racing as well as leisurely cruising. It’s easier to handle no matter experienced sailors or amateurs. During the regatta in Qingdao, with light breeze of 4 to 6 knots in 6 races, Fareast26 could still achieve good sailing performance.


    :)FE26 at Dusseldorf Boat Show, January, 2010

    China Cup is now receiving entries for the 6-boat FE26 OD class. The Fareast Boats would probably send its champion team in China’s City Club Regatta, consisting of its dealers in Europe trying to continue its winning.

    :)FE26 Technical Specifications: :)
    LOA: 8.38 m
    Length hull: 7.92 m
    Length waterline:7.17 m
    Beam overall: 2.55 m
    Draft: max. 1.70 m
    Unloaden weight: 1710 kg
    Mainsail : 23.2 sqm
    Furling Jib Area:14 sqm
    Spinnaker Area: 57.4 sqm

    More about FE26: http://en.fareastboats.com/FE26.html
    Far East website: www.fareastboats.com
    For CCIR entry inquiry, contact Yuna: yuna@chncup.com
  2. Elaine
    Joined: Aug 2010
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    Elaine Junior Member

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