I'm sure glad you guys are here today

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by thudpucker, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. thudpucker
    Joined: Jul 2007
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    I'm stuck at home with a Clotted Vien in my left leg. The whole leg is swollen.:mad:
    Blood thinnners, Lasics, really stringent diet and practically immoble with my leg suspended higher than my heart.:(
    I've read enough, and watched enough TV.... Now I'm here for some quality action.;)

    The whole FamDamily went off to Ball games and the only promise I got is something to eat when they get back later this evening.:confused:
    Some Fourth eh?:(

    So I'm really grateful for action on the forums! :D
  2. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Those damn medicines are expensive. Perhaps an epoxy thinner could do the same job for less money? :p

    Cheers, and get well soon. ;)
  3. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    I would consume adult beverages to keep my blood thin--maybe an aspirin or two
    so I don't get a headache. Redesign Matt Ds survival pod while your laid up--it really needs some fresh ideas.
  4. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    He told me to steer clear of the Clear Liquid. :(
    Warning me about Hallucinations etc....I got to thinking, If I looked at a certain sort of photos, then the Clear liquid, and laid back and enjoyed the Hallucinations. :)
  5. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    Hallucinations are good. I enjoyed a lot of them in the 1960s. Cleneses the mind as i best remember.
  6. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    I fished the waters of Cook Inlet AK a lot of years. I spent a lot of time thinking abut a surval pod I could throw overboard and it'd come up by itself....etc.
    I never took any of that C.L. out on the boat though. Maybe my Hallucionations might have been more productive if I had of. It seemed that everybody else did.

    The First time one of those Whales sounds right next to you when your sitting, coffee in hand, alongside an evening meal on the after deck....the survival POD becomes a focusing point in your imagination. Along with some clean shorts!
  7. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    Ras, my wife says you can have our Locust tree. I dunnoo though. The Winds come through the top of this hill sometimes at a heckuva rate, and I think that Locust is the only thing that keeps our roof on.
  8. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    I'll take all the Black Locust lumber you got.
  9. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    A pocket knife and a shop vac would probably save you a considerable amount on medications.
  10. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Welcome to the club, thudpucker. I got hit with the same thing a while back. My leg swelled so far I was afraid the skin would split... I'm a lot better, but my vein hasn't totally cleared yet.

    I didn't get the dramatic treatment you're getting, though. After one night in the hospital with my leg propped up on a pillow, they kicked me out the door, gave me a couple of prescriptions, and I went back to work. I injected myself in the belly every day with Heparin for a week or two, and I've been taking warfarin ever since.

    You'll be fine.... Hoyte gave me a lot of good advice and information, because he's had the same problem. When I get a chance, I'll find and link what he had to say.
  11. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    I'm on Warfarin (8mg) now and the INR this Morning was exactly 2. Up from 1.4.
    My foot still feels like Wood. Big toe is Numb. Cant feel it at all.
    They want my leg higher than my heart all the time.

    So did yours get all better? Do you have any leftovers? How long did it take before you could get up and walk without feeling pressure in the leg?
    "You'll be fine!" you said. Uh, are you certain of that? :)
    Thanks for looking up Hoyte's link for me.
  12. TeddyDiver
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    Dunno about about glogged veins, but what a perfect time to get some quality reading. Just ordered one more Marchaj.. can't wait..
  13. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    LOL, Good idea Teddy.
    I have 'large print' books that I read when I cant sleep.
    I love reading. I sometimes print out the Links from the smart guys on this forum and read them later when I can concentrate.
    Sadly, books as we know them today are becoming a thing of the past. Soon it's all gonna be coming from your PC in Video or Audio.
  14. TeddyDiver
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    Hope that day will never come.. Thou it's going to be a bit difficult to have everything on shelves of smallish cruiser when it's time to embark..

  15. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    Somewhere in the Internet there's a treatis about "Clouds" that the Big Cyber Companies are coming up with.
    We wont have PC's, just dumb terminals and everything you want or need is in the clouds. You have to buy it from the "Clouds"!
    Sick aint it?
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