If I draw a boat in fusion 360, how can I get a flat drawing for the cnc machine?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Dims, Aug 4, 2024.

  1. Dims
    Joined: Aug 2024
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    Dims New Member

    Hello, I started building a boat about a year ago and now I bought a plastic welder. I want to build a 4 meter long boat to sail on rivers.
    I am a programmer and i know fusion360 pretty well (i use it for 3d printer). But I've run into a problem, as I understand fusion 360 can't unwrap curved surfaces into a flat drawing, how can I do this most efficiently to then use on a cnc machine? What programs to use and are there any free ones? From what I understand, surfaces that are too complex cannot simply be unwrapped into a flat drawing. They have to be broken down into individual parts to do this, is there an explanation of how to do this properly?
  2. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll find adequate answers to your questions here.
    I'll put forward some ideas for you to think about, if you're okay with it.
    - I understand that you want to make a plastic boat, since that's what you bought the plastic welder for. I don't know how that device can be useful to you, though.
    - You should design the boat that you are capable of building because you have the skills and tools to do so.
    - A boat this small should not have undevelopable surfaces. See if you can design something similar but with ruled and/or conical surfaces.
    - There are software programs that develop the surfaces, but they are generally expensive if you're just building one design.
    - If you can't avoid complicated surfaces, make a 1/10 scale model with the cross sections and attach pieces of cardboard to them that simulate the real sheets. With these, take the measurements you consider necessary and generate the templates to cut the real pieces.
    - Consider another construction system that does not require the development of these surfaces: cold molding, strip planking, or similar
    - Show us your model so that someone else can give you more precise solutions.
    - VERY IMPORTANT: before you start building anything, check that the boat floats properly, is safe and stable.
    C. Dog likes this.
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