Identifying a wood boat

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by David Luttenberger, Jul 28, 2021.

  1. David Luttenberger
    Joined: Jul 2021
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    David Luttenberger New Member

    Found this wood boat buried in the weeds. Trying to determine make, model, and year. Any leads on what it is would be greatly appreciated. Appears to be solid. Potentially a restoration project. Thanks.

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  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum David.
    Have you tried sounding / tapping the hull to see if there are any rotten areas?
    Maybe it is just the photos, but it almost looks like the back end was chopped off, and a transom put in as an after thought - it looks like it 'should' be longer, from an aesthetic point of view.
    She might even have had a fantail stern originally?
    It might be worthwhile contacting your local boat licensing office, to see if they can give you any details about the registration number NJ 1624 A ?
    You might well find that the bronze hardware is the only good thing about the boat, but I hope that you do find that all the timber is in good order.
    Will Gilmore likes this.
  3. David Luttenberger
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    David Luttenberger New Member

    Good tips. I have stood inside the hull and it looks/sounds solid, as does the deck. Just one rotten spot where the hull and transom meet on the starboard side. Waiting on word from NJ to see if they can trace/share any info based on the reg number. Stem to stern the boat is exactly 16 ft. I have a wood boat builder from Florida meeting me tomorrow to take a closer look at it. Thanks.
    bajansailor likes this.
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Good evening David - I am just wondering what was the outcome of your meeting with the wooden boat builder from Florida?
  5. David Luttenberger
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    David Luttenberger New Member

    Hey. He said the boat looked solid. A little "hogging" in one spot on the bottom. Given that I want the deck to be natural, he suggested replacing it vs. trying to sand it. It is definitely an outboard, as there is no evidence of hull penetration for a rudder. Looking more like it might be a tiller steer, as there is also no evidence of any steering wheel. He suggested replacing the knee braces and the transom. Still no definitive answer re: make and model. He is hooking me up with a wood boat club in S. Jersey and a guy named Steve Ingram, who will come out for another look. Thanks.
    bajansailor likes this.
  6. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    She's a very pretty boat. Looks like a 1940s-50s design. I think they were referred to as runabouts. Could it be a kit boat? I don't think it is a Chris Craft.

  7. David Luttenberger
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    David Luttenberger New Member

    Thanks. Don't believe it's a kit boat, simply because of its age. I have several wood boat club members coming to take a look. THanks.
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