Identify Unknown Design? 19' double ender

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by MacktheYounger, Mar 29, 2022.

  1. MacktheYounger
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    MacktheYounger Junior Member

    Hello All,
    This is my first thread and a new account, though I've been 'lurking' and reading for a little while. The number of knowledgeable types that seem to show up with regularity makes me optimistic that someone might be able to help me.
    The attached images are from Gary Lepak's flickr account, uploaded all the way back in 2005. I messaged him a while back, but his account hasn't posted anything since December 2005 so I doubt I'll get any response. He calls it a "Bufflehead 19' row/pedal/sail boat" but when searching for Bufflehead boats, I mostly find information about the sailing canoe.
    Mainly, I'm curious about the performance of this design and the theory that went into it. Zero rocker, zero flare, such fine ends and so much's very different from most small sailing boats I've seen. Does anyone recognize this design, or know of similar ones? Thank you all for your time and consideration.

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  2. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Looks like something Phil Bolger would have designed.
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  3. bajansailor
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  4. MacktheYounger
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    MacktheYounger Junior Member

    You may be right on the mark! I've looked around and the shape does look very similar to some of Bolger's canoe yawls like Eeek! and the sharpie camp cruiser Anhinga (which is apparently just a scaled-up version of the former)

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  5. MacktheYounger
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    MacktheYounger Junior Member

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  6. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Yeah. We're pretty awesome. Humble too.
    And welcome to the forum!
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  7. Skyak
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    Skyak Senior Member

    I would be inclined to say it wasn't designed. The builder just scratched down rough dimensions based on how much he was confident of bending the plywood, then off to the lumberyard.
    Your curiosity about the performance is far more common than knowledge about sailboat design. Phil Bolger was the rare designer/writer that would entertain these questions.
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