Identify sailboat designer/builder?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Palantir, Sep 11, 2022.

  1. Palantir
    Joined: Sep 2022
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    Palantir Junior Member

    Hi folks - I'm hoping someone can help me identify the designer/builder of this sailboat. She was built in the early 70s and came with a Volvo Penta MD11D . . . she's 30', with cutter rigging and a fiberglass hull - let me know if you require more info. And thanks in advance.

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  2. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Palantir.
    Are you considering buying this yacht, or is she already yours, or.....?
    Do you have any other photos that you can post, including of her aft end / transom, and perhaps the cockpit, on deck and down below?

    Re how she is fibreglass construction, does her hull look like it might have come out of a female mould, or (more likely) it was a one off construction, perhaps built on a male mould (or maybe using 'C-Flex' fibreglass planking which was popular in the 70's)?
    Is the deck / cockpit / cabin roof all fibreglass as well, or are these areas timber?
    Do you know where she was built in the early 70's? Canada or somewhere else?
  3. Palantir
    Joined: Sep 2022
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    Palantir Junior Member

    Thanks for the reply and further questions. I already purchased her. She has a reverse transom - I don't know how to tell whether it was a female or male mold. I have to get a closer look at the transom from my tender so I can see if there is a HIN. Everything is essentially fiberglass with some teak trim work and handrails. The interior is partially gutted (have to install a new ceiling and do some painting). I have no idea where she was built - I live in the North Gulf Islands by Vancouver Island, so, I assume on the west coast of North America. I'll attach some more photos that may help. Thanks again.

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  4. Tops
    Joined: Aug 2021
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    Tops Senior Member

    Do the Canadians have a look-up based on boat name or registration numbers?

  5. Palantir
    Joined: Sep 2022
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    Palantir Junior Member

    Hi - we do have a registration lookup but the number on the bow of my boat is an expired "license number" and not a registration number that I can't find a database for.
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