Identify Boat or Ship

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Dr Watson, Jan 7, 2025.

  1. Dr Watson
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    Dr Watson New Member


    I have a large photo of a sailboat or ship. I would like to identify it…for example: Destroyer from WWII or a J30? I do not have the photographer’s contact info to ask.

    Here is the photo of bow with 97 on port side.

    Thank you in advance.


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  2. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Welcome to the Forums.

    Whatever the actual hull is, the photo is modern (post ~1980) due to the roller furling setup on the forestay. With the plank bowsprit, tube pulpit, nav light location....all looks no earlier that the mid 1970's to 1980's. But the hull flare would be unusual for a sailboat of that era and no bobstay. Also, given the shading, the plank seams in the number, but not on the highlighted side I would start to lean toward a composite visual.

    Is this an AI troll (Dr Watson...the Microsoft App debugger) ? I mean, look at the stippling in the last image, it carries over from the wall onto the artwork. Providence of the images? Post the metadata of IMG_9507.jpeg.
  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    A search of the email shows nothing. It is probably a troll; AI or human.
  4. Dr Watson
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    Dr Watson New Member

    Hello, Thank you for the response.

    Bottom line - mid 1970s to 80 but still with some confusion because: "hull flare would be unusual for a sailboat of that era and no bobstay. Also, given the shading, the plank seams in the number, but not on the highlighted side I would start to lean toward a composite visual." I also, do not know what lean toward a composite visual" means...:)

    Also, I do not understand the "AI troll" comment?

    Thanks though for responding.

  5. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    The number is quite odd and may be superimposed, but the details Lead me to believe it is a real boat with an accurate reflection of the surrounding ocean in her gelcoat.

    Welcome Dr., to this little forum of boating enthusiasm. Almost everyone but myself knows a great deal about boats and boat design.

    I tried to do a search of wall prints of sailboat bows and found a few similar images, but not this boat. I suspect jehardiman is right about the era, but it is possible that an older boat has been outfitted with a more modern roller furler.

    I'm curious, why the interest? The picture appears to be a fairly neutral print to hang over a couch or in a hotel room. It doesn't even give much away about the beautiful lines or fascinating rig.

    And wasn't there a drwatson that use to hang out over at Or am I misremembering?

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