
Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by frogleg59, Jun 23, 2024.

  1. frogleg59
    Joined: Jun 2024
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    frogleg59 New Member

    I bought my first sailboat and want to know more information about it. I'm not sure how to even rig it yet. I was hoping someone could tell me what kind of boat it is. IMG_5447.jpeg
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  2. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Hopefully the exterior condition doesn’t reflect on the overall.
    The scumline suggests that it has been floating for a while with a considerable load of water inside.
    A careful evaluation of the condition of the internal structural parts would be my first step.
    If it should require an extensive rebuild, it could cost more than a new boat!
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  3. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Frogleg.

    I am guessing that she was probably built in the 60's, and I am wondering if she might have been an early design by Pelle Petterson?
    The style with the raised cabin is similar to his later Maxi 68 and Maxi 77 designs.

    Is she still in the water? Have you seen what she looks like below the waterline - or maybe even have a photo of her out of the water?
    If not, do you know what type of keel she has?
    It might be a bolted on fin keel, in which case you should see some bolt heads / nuts in the cabin bilge if you lift up the floor boards.
    Or maybe a swinging centreboard in a case?
    It might even have bilge keels (one on each side) - if so, then it probably originated from the UK.
  4. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    I would put her design in the early 60s. She looks almost like an early prototype to the Venture 21.

    There are obvious differences, but the look seems related.

    Try a search on

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  5. Tops
    Joined: Aug 2021
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    Tops Senior Member

    What is the boat's LOA (length over all)? It looks more than 7m. Bottom configuration would be interesting too.
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