i would like to see a slide-in-out catamaran designed

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by rolndoln, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. rolndoln
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    rolndoln New Member

    i would like to see a slide-in-out catamaran designed, like a motorhome inside so it fits together close like tetris pieces and seperates nice to be useable. but it will slide together to be tight for docking or high speed even sailing. and extend even further out for cove camping or diving. set in the middle for cruising or maybe tight for speed and spread out wide for slow displacement speeds. you know, convertible inside living space. also extend outside decks...

    if this has been done on smaller size catamaran I would love to see concepts.;)
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    One impediment would be extra weight, and catamarans don't like weight too much.
  3. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

  4. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Concepts are just pretty pictures by most, with little thought to whether a deisgn is feasible.

    What you're suggesting has many technical challenges to over come. The principal ones being strength of the joints , once, extended, and then stability, i.e watertightness.

    It of course can be done..but considering the hurdles to overcome, the cost will not be cheap, as you perhaps imaged it to be. It would most likely cost more than a fixed length version.

    Says who??....it is just a 3D hull shape. That says nothing about its SOR. You're putting the cart before the horse and not understanding what the horse is even doing with such a carte blanche statement.
  5. rolndoln
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    rolndoln New Member

    but with new materials

    But with new materials available, i was thinking 2 carbon fiber hulls, joined by typical joints but on sliders. not real technical here but the idea is the hulls are the buoyant part so the decks could be mounted on slides like a motorhome with slide-outs. But also the 2 hulls could come together or pull even further apart to allow more inside and topside space. like the motorhome inside and maybe just a net stretched the usual way that expands for on decks or hard roofs connected with flip-up to fill in where it separates. not sure how the motor-homes do it. I was even thinking the hull joint could scissor close to accomplish the docking and waterline squish and spread, while the deck in and out would be based on the moto-home slides. all hardened for sea of course. not sure of scale either but I was thinking a 34 footer motor-sailer catamaran. then again sailing would be flexing the rig so not sure about all this.
  6. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    You're the bloke who keeps telling everyone that Length/Displacement ratio is God, the length of this boat won't increase, but the displacement must, with all the paraphenalia and structure added to allow the concertina to work.
  7. rolndoln
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    rolndoln New Member

    the purpose for the slide in would be more available dock space

    OH and I meant verbally visualized concepts, not drawings, I wouldnt dream of imposing like that. just for discussion.

    so the need for sliding things out would be for in the cove to relax and spread out or maybe for diving, we are talking much more stress on components depending on seas and conditions. but what about all this new high tech material?
    perhaps i should create a new thread but...
    has a catamaran been done that allows a tender to be a "middle hull" and ride in the water in control of the mother ship?

    or rather
    what about a hull that acts as an outrigger under way but is then a tender?

    a break away hull of a cat or trimaran?
  8. rolndoln
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    rolndoln New Member

    I was just wondering if anyone is making models of these things for testing in the water. I can only imagine how much changes when you can squish the 2 hulls together on a cat and fast sail or slow power under the wide spread hulls. I guess I could model these somehow.

    don't the college kids need to have theses or something?

    I would love some ideas to make a pond model sailboat with power start testing my ideas but where to start? equal length hulls will look funny at the dock and negate a cheaper dock because the length will increase if I scissor connect them.so I think I see more of an outrigger setup. so if the rigger pod is 2/3 the size of the main pod, will it run better with the outrigger forward rear or even with main hull. what happens with performance under sail? are outriggers even used on sailboats? oh boy i have to do some research
  9. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    rolndoln, I don't see a specification for hot and cold-running blondes, yet ?
  10. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    Most of what you ask has been tried or at least discussed. You don't say what size boat, nor your budget, nor where you want to sail. Nor why?

    Check my Wizard/Sango/Saylon catamarans with their poptop/pop bottom. The Farrier range, Tomcat 6.2, cat2fold, Dave Alan-Williams 8m, Slider, L7, the list goes on

    All tried and tested for years

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs

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  11. JamesG123
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    JamesG123 Senior Member

    Slips sized wide enough for cats are more limited than monohulls. I think you would be limiting yourself further by wanting even more. Full RV style slideouts will be very heavy, and high in the structure too. Maybe a flip-out wall that form a deck extension?
  12. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    As I said before. cart before the horse and not even understanding what the horse is doing!!

    If you wish to come out with one line statements without any justification of how/what/where/why to a particular question/application, it does not surprise that you do not understand the replies.
  13. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Load extra weight on to a catamaran, and what do you get, an increase in wetted hull surface greater than you would get by piling the same weight into a monohull of the same displacement. Right ? How is the catamaran "liking" that ?
  14. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    What is this, boat (THIS boat in this thread) designed to do?

  15. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Not "go noticeably slower, thanks", I suspect, but that is what will happen. I merely indicated that performance will go over a cliff if he installs the retractable block of flats on board. :)
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