I think I made a mistake (building a vinta)

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Rob T, Jul 17, 2023.

  1. Rob T
    Joined: Jul 2023
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    Rob T Junior Member

    I am currently building a 9 meter tri based on traditional Philippine banka fishing boats specifically a boat called a vinta, very similar to a paraw. I copied the dimensions from the fishing boats in my area but, changed the construction method to be more robust and I'm afraid I may be over weight.
    9m loa
    1m shallow v bottom
    2m beam at the gunnels
    I think the main hull will weigh something around 350-400 kilos
    The amas are bamboo (minimal weight) as is traditional here
    3- 6" diameter giant bamboo bundled together to form each ama. Total length of the amas is 7m.

    I know there are some very smart people on here... Am I way too heavy? If you're missing info let me know and I'll elaborate.
  2. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    I can't say if you're to heavy since I don't know what the hulls you copied weigh. That beeing said, fishing boats are designed for a loaded condition, so your additional weight will cut into the available payload, wich may or may not be a problem depending on planned use.
    There are methods to restore freeboard, for example additional volume to the underwater part of the hull or raising the sheer.
  3. Rob T
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    Rob T Junior Member

    My transom is already built, expanding my amas is an option. Hoping to get in touch with someone who can properly do the displacement math TBH.
  4. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    You can always add a foam shoe under the hull, that's not the issue.
    If you want to know how high the hull will float you need to determine the hull volume. That you can do yourself by measuring the hull (on the outside). Seawater weighs ~1024kg/cubic meter, displacement = weight, so all you need to determine is where that line is where the hull displaces 350-400kg of water by having a volume of 358-410 liters.
    Just don't go and fill her up with 400l of water, most boats can't whitstand that kind of abuse.

    What exactly did you do to make it "more robust"?
  5. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Rob T, welcome to the Forum.
    Pictures really help us, help you.
    Sounds like you're already well into your build, it may be too late for lightning...
  6. Rob T
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    Rob T Junior Member

    Well, I reran my volume math and it appears the online calculator I used was goofy and freaked me out for no reason. At a 20cm water line should give me 1.425 m3 not including the amas volume so I'm ok. It's not easy being a worrier and dumb
    BlueBell likes this.

  7. Rob T
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    Rob T Junior Member

    Thank you very much sir
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