I need some help with terms.

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by thudpucker, Jul 31, 2011.

  1. thudpucker
    Joined: Jul 2007
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    I've been out of the Commercial aspect of outboards for a long time.
    Since then, the Mfg's have these terms that are not self-explanatory.

    "Loopers":confused:? Maybe "Loop-charged" but I still dont know what it means.

    "Ficht". Is there a simple sketchy explanation of that one. I know it has something to do with a Pipe-dream that never actually worked well or lasted very long,:( but also it came along about the time OMC went out. There may be more to the story.
  2. IMP-ish
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  3. IMP-ish
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  4. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    IMP-ish, I liked that vid on Ficht.
    I can see why it had a high failure rate and a poor Repair rate. There were lots of weak points there.
    The Plain ol' EFI should have been a better choice. I guess we wont know till one of the Engineers on that project come on this board.

    I was surprised at the Defination of Loop charging and Scavenging. Us Kids knew about that way back in the 50's when we could modify ports in Two strokes to 'scavenge' more Exhaust.
    The early 'hot cams' were an effort to scavenge a lot of good hot gasses in our old Six cylinder cars. It made them Idle like a raging animal ready to leap too.

    I'm glad I like EFI as it seems to be the best we have so far.
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