I need help identifying model of my fiberform.

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Zovix, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. Zovix
    Joined: Jul 2014
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    Location: Sweden, Grisslehamn

    Zovix New Member


    I start my first post here presenting my self. I am a marine engineer from Sweden and I currently work at a small shipyard in the Stockholm region. I normally work with ships with steel or aluminum hulls and usually depacing hulldesign.. I do not have any experience of GRP/Sandwich hulls worth anything so I need your expertise. I do know however that many jobs take twice or longer in time than you calculate so now over to my big project (witch will be prioritized as number 4, after my wife, kids and work, and yes I have that kind of boss that calls 6 am a free sunday morning and expects you to work. So to be honest this is a long term project and I would be happy if I manage to get the hull fixed to the next summer...)

    I have recently purchased a wreck of a fiber form, i guess about 23-24 foot and with a hard top/cabin. I would like some history of that model year and make and if anyone have some information or story's about this boat, feel free to share.

    I have been told that this boat would be a -81 or -80 years model and the history is that she was imported to Sweden in mid -80s and were all fine to 2002 when she ran aground, ripped up a hole in the hull and sunk.

    The owner salvage it and because of poor insurance he had to sell of anything of value to be able to pay his loan on the boat. Then it stood for some years outside a barn until I found it. He practically gave me the boat and I (stupid as I am) fell in love with the design, and have a dream of giving her a new life at sea.

    I have found out that she had twin Volvo Aq130 with VP280 drive.

    Thank you for any information about this boat.

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  2. upchurchmr
    Joined: Feb 2011
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    Good luck with the boat.
    Dreams are not always rational, in my experience.

    Personally I know nothing about power boats.
    But I like Audi's.
  3. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I have a 1977 catalogue of Fiberform boats, and your boat looks like their 24' Cruiser - there is just one page in the catalogue about her, copied below.


    Here is a YouTube about the restoration of a similar 24' Fiberform - the windscreen is slightly different though.

    And here is a 24' Fiberform for sale - looks like the same hull, but a different superstructure in 1974.

    Here is a Forum for Fiberform owners - http://forums.iboats.com/forum/owners-groups-by-manufacturer/d-l/fiberform-boats
  4. Zovix
    Joined: Jul 2014
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    Zovix New Member

    Wow, Thanks alot bajansailor! This was exactly what I was looking for. It gives me mutch more to search for. And alot questions anwerd.

    Thank you!

  5. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

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