I need help figuring this boat out please comment below

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Jet Lab Performance, May 17, 2022.


Please help me identify the hull or motor that goes in the mini boat

  1. Mini boat

  2. Prop

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  1. Jet Lab Performance
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    Jet Lab Performance Junior Member

    I don't know anything about this one person mini fiberglass boat prop/direct drive inboard boat please help me identify the hull or engine type size and displacement I want to restore this bad boy all help appreciate during my first build I fix jetskis and I picked up this jetski I thought then I saw it was prop driven

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  2. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    It clearly is setup for prop. As far as engine setup.... probably best to get the approximate weight and the pitch of the prop and diameter and reverse engineer the approximate power needed. With emissions limiting engines the last decade or more it might be hard to find a suitable replacement. If the prop is really low pitch maybe a re purposed jet ski motor. Kawasaki made a lot of small 2 strokes back in the day.
  3. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Here is what you most likely need. Old air cooled ~5 hp marine 4 cycles.

    Since its a ride-on-top of a certain era, and doesn't look like it ever had numbers, I wonder if it isn't a theme park livery boat.
  4. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    It looks like a fun project, but would probably be more effectively driven with a jet ski motor/pump.
    By the time you find a suitable inboard and possibly a transmission, and properly install all that, you’ll have spent a lot of money for questionable results.
    Jet ski units are powerful and light, and it looks like you may have easy access to such items.
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  5. Jet Lab Performance
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    Jet Lab Performance Junior Member

    I do actually run a jetski shop out of my home I have about 30 skis atm and tons of motors ect that is my goal to cut out a 550cc stand up kawasaki to put this 550motor into by cutting the whole 550 hull pump and tunnel along with motor mounts so I don't have to worry about moving motor mounts and eliminates all the wastes time fabricating mounts ect
  6. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Those old Kawi 550 jet ski motors are incredibly noisy, and were fairly inefficient at pushing the skis, especially at getting out of the hole. Pay attention to the weight/ displacement of this new hull in comparison to the motor’s donor craft.
    It was just mentioned here in another thread how critical matching components is in a jet drive application.
  7. Waterwitch
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    Waterwitch Senior Member

    Well here is a single seater with a 570 cc 18 hp motor shaft driven prop. Although they have more freedom boat building regs wise in some parts of the world.
  8. Jet Lab Performance
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    Jet Lab Performance Junior Member

    Well here's an update I cut it all up and think it's gonna work perfect actually I'm amazed here is some pics of updates

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  9. Jet Lab Performance
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    Jet Lab Performance Junior Member

    Hers some updated photos of the 550cc jetski/boat project boat is named "SKEETER for now on and here are some photos of everything installed not finished still in rough stages but almost water testable before I actually 100% finish the boat but as of now here's what's been going on please comment your thoughts

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  10. Jet Lab Performance
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    Jet Lab Performance Junior Member

    Updated with More pics

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  11. Jet Lab Performance
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    Jet Lab Performance Junior Member

    Please go look at the updated comments below I have got mini boat pretty much installed used a doner 550cc hull and engine is installed
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