I just realised I'm rich....

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by troy2000, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    You betcha I don't care how many millions they have now put into it.

    Whats that crap they have put infront of the tower?? I was there in July.
  2. Wynand N
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    Wynand N Retired Steelboatbuilder

    Troy, I appreciated the message you tried to convey to some and Im totally with you that after a life of hard work, sweat and tears, it is nice to be able to buy whatever you want without having to worry about your fiscal affairs, budget and balance sheets, even if it is for a simple meal you described. You earned (read worked) that privilege.:)

    That said my friend, In my country it a totally different experience - when you buy something at the local KFC, big Mac or any other takeaway for that matter and you walk out of the door and approached by hungry street children, some even as young as 3-4 years old and like the plague everywhere, for a few cents for food - OK some will buy glue as well - it makes you feel like a baddy and guilty like hell:eek: Here its a question of the have not's and those that have. Bad part is that the have not's expect handouts from those that have instead of go earn their own keep:confused:

    I envy you...

    At 57 Im all screwed up with my left knee over due for replacement, left leg 2" shorter than the right due to an accident as a youngster which incidentally never bothered me, (actually, lived hard and did not expected to get to my current age otherwise would have listened to caution from doctors ) but made itself known big time the last few years basically changed me into a cripple "over night".
    Bad is, I also had a spinal injury with that old accident and the "compensation" of my hip to offset the short leg took its toll on my lower vertebra and is now totally f**ked up and I can barely stand for half an hour at a go, not to mention bending down:( This issues forced me into early retirement two years ago...but then again, cowboys don't cry, but oh boy, what a ride it had been.

    Enjoy you health, you earned that just as much as your financial independence, union man or not :cool:
  3. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Sorry to hear about the way you're busted up, Wynand. I have to admit I've lucked out on my health, at least as much as I've earned it....

    When I was in my twenties, I went off Interstate 5 and down a hillside at 65 mph on (or rather off) a motorcycle. Fortunately, me and the bike bounced in different directions. I bounced three more times, and after waking up spent the night crawling back up the hill to the roadside, where a Greyhound bus found me at sunrise. That one cost me six months in a Navy hospital at Camp Pendleton.

    Not gonna lie; it takes me a little while to start moving when I roll out in the mornings, or when I sit too long. But after I work the kinks out, I'm good to go.
  4. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    I consider myself to be extremely wealthy, Infact Ive won the lottery of life.

    Im a white male born in North England with both parents in their 80's that still ride bicycles and I jog and run and drink like a fish. 60 years old last may

    Man it dont come better than that.
  5. P Flados
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    P Flados Senior Member

    Many of us really should share Troy's "I'm rich" sentiment.

    Those of us fortunate enough to know that we:

    • Went out and found good jobs early in life
    • Worked hard
    • Took care of ourselves and our families
    • Are still active and engaged in stuff we can enjoy
    Should frequently take note of how blessed we have been over our lifetime.

    Right now I am enjoying spending my annual "week with my Mom". This year I did the 2000 mile plane trip to Fort Worth solo so I could focus on doing things for her that to me are easy, but without me are things that are hard/frustrating for her to take care of. It is neat how much joy a 54 year man can create by:

    • Cutting down and cleaning up the dead limbs from the hardwoods strained by the drought
    • Cleaning the leaves from the gutters
    • Fixing the leaking joint on the gutter just above the back door
    • Replacing the kitchen sink sprayer hose
    • Replacing a couple of leaking bathroom shower fixtures
    • Fixing the broken power cord to her hand mixer
    • Fixing the 3 hand pruning shears she had in her "broken pile"
    • Fixing a broken hinge on a piece of furniture
    • Fixing a falling apart bench she uses to show off her flowers in her back yard sitting area
    Of course we are also enjoying other stuff I only get back home. Joe T Garcia Mexican food, Angeloe's Barbecue Brisket, and my Mom' fried chicken are special.

    Yeah, life can be pretty good and I definitely am feeling "rich".
  6. bntii
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    bntii Senior Member

    Good on ya Troy & a lesson that ones outlook is a most valuable asset.
    For me I vacillate between enjoying simple pleasures and feeling like a squirrel scampering across a busy street with a nut- half again as likely to be squashed flat then make it to the other side..
  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Good thread. I can totally relate to it.
  8. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    BurgerKing used to have full sized Whoppers for $1!

    You could ask for double or even triple produce(no charge) and they would stack that sucker so tall it wouldn't stand up on its own.

    Fairly balanced(pardon pun) meal at that point.

    I'm not buying this "childhood hunger" problem in the USA. I know several places giving out free food like the end of the world is at hand.

    What you got are wacked out parents, and also parents forced to work 2 or 3 jobs to carry their tax burden, so the food never gets from the cabinet to the kids plate or lunch box.
    1 person likes this.
  9. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Well I dont get it. I think I could run to 2 popo pops does that make me disgistngly rich.

    " I am rich because I can buy a popos pop when I feel like it without looking how much it cost"!!!!!!!.

    I guess Americas debt is more serious that I thought.
  10. P Flados
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    P Flados Senior Member


    The food was just an example, not the objective.

    Many have been forced to spend most of their lives in a "always be very careful with what you have or else" mode.

    When a person then gets to the point where they can be a little less careful now and then and not feel bad about it, there is a big contrast.

    If you can not see the difference, I just not sure that there is much hope for you getting the smile that was intended in the first post.
  11. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    I was born in a grey Northern England town . I left school at 15 and worked the following Monday morning. Ive had to make everything I wanted. I ate cocoa and sugar as sweets. I know poor.

    My dad made an oven for my mother out of 1/8 plate that sat on a gas ring.

    My dad became quite wealthy I can now buy him, many times over. I can buy A RR if I wanted to without asking the price.

    I still don't get how its worthy of a forum mention.

    Sure I can smile but im afraid it might start me laughing.

    Emotional Americans .
  12. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Then why do you mention it?
    Emotional Aussies, South Africans and Brits too, judging by some of the responses. But it's always easier to just hide behind a sneer, isn't it Frosty?

    Tell me: do you infest every general discussion thread on boatdesign, or is it just my unfortunate luck that you seem to pick the ones I frequent to gnaw your way into?
  13. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Then why do you mention it? quote

    Why did you is more to the point.

    Errr difficult one that !! I would say it was coincidence.

    " Hey guys I walked into a store an bought some food without asking how much it is --im super rich.!!!!"

    I can sense your embarrassment,--- but you wrote it, and whats it got to do with boats.
  14. Wynand N
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    Wynand N Retired Steelboatbuilder

    Funny you should say that Frost, all your replies by beating the same old drum has not being boat related either:confused:
    And if you read between Troy's lines, you get the vibe that he was thinking boats and that much make it relevant for the "open discussion" boating thread...

    You may have a few years on me but Im gonna share some good advice my father gave me with you for free, gratis and verniet and I quote;

    "If you cannot contributed positively or say something constructive to others, keep your big mouth shut and thus prevent embarrassing yourself by doing just that" :)

  15. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Thats a good one --Im surprised you knew that. Do you ever use it.

    You see Wynand,--everything I say is positive and constructive but shrouded in brutal honesty.

    Some people that live in a world of bull ( and I dont include you ) don't see it, they prefer to see some insult in some way.

    OOh I see I have been given some rep points --must go look who sent them.
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