I just realised I'm rich....

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by troy2000, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. michael pierzga
    Joined: Dec 2008
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    The problem is that all this unemployment around makes me depressed. I find myself avoiding people so I dont hae to listen to another " bad story ".

    Im not the smartest, the hardest working, the most responsible.... Im simply lucky.
    Very many unlucky people in the world.

  2. michael pierzga
    Joined: Dec 2008
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    michael pierzga Senior Member


    concerning luck and being rich...this is the link to a BBC World Service Documentary that I just listened to on the shortwave. It is thought provoking and will remind you just how fortunate we, the chosen billion, really are.

    BBC World Service - The Documentary, The Left To Die Boat


    I believe that link is correct
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