I got my first boat!

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Adam Riesel, Sep 4, 2024 at 7:41 AM.

  1. Adam Riesel
    Joined: Wednesday
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    Adam Riesel Junior Member

    Gday legends,

    Recently I was gifted my first ever boat and told "it's like a hood 23". When I went to check it out I quickly knew it wasn't a hood by the rudder location and now I'm left wondering what it is! I know very little about sailing boats, and even the registration papers say "unknown manufacturer" so I'm looking for help.

    To start off, when asking knowledgeable folk like yourselves, what information do you need to ID a boat? I'll go there and collect every measurement and photo you ask for, post it all at once and ask "what boat is this" - so I want to make it as easy as possible for you guys to recognize it. It's a small 20' day sailor.

    All and any help will be appreciated.

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  2. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Adam.

    Please do post some photos of your new boat, and the approx dimensions.
    And have a look on the transom to see if there is a hull ID serial number inscribed on it somewhere.
  3. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    Just put up a pic at first. It could be a Hood 20, which came in both hard chine and round bilge versions. There are a also few "Cal 21s" around which look like a bit like a Hood but have a transom-hung rudder. They seem to have little if any connection with the US Cal yachts. Image gallery for Cal 21 | AustraliaListed.com https://gunn.australialisted.com/ad/gallery/17559161
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  4. Adam Riesel
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    Adam Riesel Junior Member

    Will do! I'll be heading there tomorrow to start cleaning up. I've got the HIN from the rego papers... Not sure what use the number is to me though...
    bajansailor likes this.
  5. Adam Riesel
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    Adam Riesel Junior Member

  6. Adam Riesel
    Joined: Wednesday
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    Adam Riesel Junior Member

    Here ya go!

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