hydrostatics calculation

Discussion in 'Software' started by sujeethmonu, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. sujeethmonu
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    sujeethmonu Asst Professor(mech dept)

    In freeship, I tried to find the hydrostatics by entering the
    start draft=0m
    end draft=1.7m
    step draft=0.010m
    trim=0.377m (which is the default value when i opened "hydrostatics" under calculation tab.
    I got the result in .txt format which shows the calculation only till draft of 0.280m. I tried varying draft step and tried other combinations as well but unable to calculate hydrostatics till the actual draft of 0.377.

    1) What is the reason for this?
    2) When i click on "hydrostatics", i get a window where the trim is default at 0.377m WHY?
    3) In "design hydrostatics" midship draft =0.377m. Is trim = midshift draft. I think Trim=draft forward-draft aft.
    I hope i'm not completely mistaken. Please help!
    after changing trim to zero, i got hydrostatics till draft of 0.450
    evn if end draft is 1.7m. and the reason is leak point at/after 0.450m of draft

    but actually, trim is not equal to zero. because by running design hydrostatics (in "design hydrostatics.txt"), angle of trim=2.001dgr

    Part of the text file is as follows
    Parameters of ship sinkage:
    Difference of midship draft : 0.000 m
    Midship draft : 0.377 m
    Initial transverse metacentric height ho : 2.653 m
    Initial longitudinal metacentric height Ho : 21.125 m
    Angle of heel Psi : 0.000 degr
    Angle of trim : 2.001 degr
  2. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    run model check under tools and see if you have a leak point. You need to enclose the transom by adding new faces, and sometimes the deck also.

    Also, the is a subforum for software that would be a better place for the question.
  3. sujeethmonu
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    sujeethmonu Asst Professor(mech dept)

    Posted in software subforum to which I got no reply. So posted here as number of visitors were more here. Thanks for the help. Got it done
    but how to calculate the value of trim if angle is given. At what point the angle of trim is calculated under design hydrostatics
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