Hydrostatic trim using Solidworks?

Discussion in 'Software' started by whio, Jan 27, 2024.

  1. whio
    Joined: Jan 2024
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    whio New Member

    Does anyone have any tricks/good youtube vids for using Solidworks to achieve a hydrostatic trim?
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Welcome to the forum.
    What do you understand by "hydrostatic trim"? Does it refer to the hydrostatic values for a certain trim?
    In any case, I don't think there is anything in Solidworks that allows you to automatically calculate the hydrostatic values of a submerged hull. You will need to define, for example, the 3D solid model of the submerged hull and ask Solidwork to calculate the properties of that volume.
  3. whio
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    whio New Member

    Hi thanks TANSL. It'd be useful to be able to simply predict the fore and aft trim of a yacht hull if you have a measured LCG. i.e. where to paint your antifoul to! Just trying to use the tools I have at hand, I used to use hydromax but I no longer have that available. There is the below tutorial which gets you part way there but for a symmetrical volume.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Draw the solid that represents the volume of the hull. Cut this volume into several planes that represent different floatations and calculate the total volume and the center of buoyancy (CoB) of each of them. By successive approximations you will be able to find the displaced volume that corresponds to the total weight of the ship and whose CoB is in the same perpendicular as the CoG of the ship. It is not difficult but it is laborious.
    I can't think of anything else because, as far as I know, there are no commercial applications for Solidwork that do these calculations.
    If you need it and if you have the body lines of the boat, or a 3D model of it, and a detailed study of the weights, I can perform those calculations for you in AutoCAD.
    jehardiman likes this.
  5. whio
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    whio New Member

    thanks, kind offer, I can mange that tho. yes laborious iterative trial and error. Was hoping there was a quicker method/work around. There is a plugin in for solidworks I see on one of the other threads but several thousand euros, difficult to justify for occasional private use.

  6. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    I agree with TANSL. I have found that Solidworks ability to do hydrostatics/hydrodynamics are simplistic at best, downright wrong at worst. If this is a capability your company wishes to develop, I would suggest a dedicated hydrodynamics program that accepts your models.
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