Hydrostatic Curve

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Ghost Boy, Jul 28, 2020.

  1. Ghost Boy
    Joined: Oct 2019
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    Ghost Boy Junior Member

    I have hydrostatic table. I have to plot that table, I can use any software. Can you please tell me, which software should be easy for this purpose?
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

  3. Ghost Boy
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    Ghost Boy Junior Member

    Thanks for your reply. Sir, I wanna plot like this:

    Attached Files:

  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    To draw curves like these you will have to use the software that created them (Maxsurf?) or some other similar software. But these softwares do not support the data entered by the user, instead they generate their own table of values and draw them.
    If you want to draw the curves of the values you already have, you must use drawing software, drawing the corresponding points and the curves that pass through them, or, as I said before, using the MS Excel charts.
  5. Ghost Boy
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    Ghost Boy Junior Member

    Sir, I have already used Maxsurf to get this curve. But at the same time I have to draw this curve manually(It is my task). That's why I am asking this. I have tried MS Excel, but the resultant is zero. :(
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I assure you that in Excel it can be done. Investigate with the help of the application, how the graphics work and how to use them. You could also use AutoCAD or any similar software to draw the curves

  7. fredrosse
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    I agree completely with TANSL, if you want a two dimensional graph, say an X-Y plot, with several values of "X" and corresponding values of "Y", then arrange the values of X and Y in two vertical columns, then select the EXCEL plot in the "X-Y Scatter Plot" format, select the X-Y data, then make your graph. "X" and "Y" can be any two related parameters.
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