Hybrid Electric Propulsion for Boats, Diesel-Electric, etc

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by brian eiland, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. DCockey
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    A fuel cell reformer is a device which converts a hydrocarbon fuel into H2 and CO2. Here is some reading for you.

    You seem to claiming a system in which you put in water and 150w and get out water and 5000w. Or you are mistaken and the system really is one where you put in water and hydrocarbon fuel and 150w and get out water and 5000w. The second is consistent with known technology.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2011
  2. DCockey
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    Last edited: Nov 4, 2011
  3. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    So go to your car,start it up,remove both battery cables and report back to us.

    Where do you think the electrons to run the injection/spark will come from?

    Unless it's an older mechanically injected diesel,it will stall..... FACT

    Think about this: 5kw is about 6 1/2 hp..enough to run a motorcycle,scooter or VW's 1L concept car.

    So if you had this unit mounted in your scooter,you could push it for a few feet,hop on and then engage the 150 watt generator off the wheel to get your 5 kw and run around the world the rest of your life for free.
  4. DCockey
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    From the alternator which is driven by the engine.
  5. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    "reformer" was used in this example ...
    it is NOT a requirement ...
    a standard H2 lab gas generator will work the same ...

    we CANNOT use any fossil fueled (gas, diesel, propane, LP etc) boat on restricted waters ... our alternative is a ton of batteries and/or solar and/or H2 ... or a friggin paddle, as a sail will not cut it ...

    so I started chatting with my brother in law who happens to install remote cell towers asked him how they powered sites during outages ... well, guess what ... 4 12v batteries and a H2 generator OR reformer will provide backup power of 5kW @ 48VDC @ 100+ amps for 40+ hours ...
  6. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    sorry, but I can pull the battery after starting my vehicle, 99 ford and it WILL stay running... so will my WhisperWatt 100 (110kW) generator ...

    so all those golf carts drawing 4kW shouldn't be running? WOW ... gotta tell my golf buddies they're running on magic or unicorn farts ...
  7. DCockey
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    Then don't use a system with a reformer as "proof" of your idea.

    The H2 from a "standard H2 lab gas generator" will have less energy than the energy required to power to the generator.
  8. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    No just batteries...which are not fed by other batteries running a methanol fueled fuel cell. Just batteries.

    After being up 17 hours-I forgot to ask you to remove your alternator wire.:eek:
    Though you make it sound a miracle,your truck is still being fuelled by gasoline.

    If it's so great,put it into a golf cart and run it forever,on just water.

    Show us.
  9. kerosene
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  10. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    splitting hairs over terminology?? seriously? call it a widget for all I care ...

    H is H, same energy REGARDLESS of source ...

    never claimed this as "my idea" ... but thanks for the compliment ...

    there IS enough H from lab gas generators to power it ... don't think AC plugged into the wall socket lab gas ... gut all that wasted AC heat generating junk and how much DC juice is required to generate H ??? I know, I have one gutted in my garage ... it runs WITHOUT the AC guts just fine and LESS wasted heat from the transformer = more efficiency ... :)
  11. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    this is seriously ad hominem ... speaking to me like a child isn't helping your position ... trying to spin red herring isn't either ... good luck with your project ...
  12. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    Here is a great example of a previous red herring and childish ad hominem

    Build a boat or car,running on water and show me how you put in 150w and get out 5000w
    and I'll do better than kerosene's cognac,I'll head up the investor fund for any amount amount of money you need-I'm not kidding.But I don't think I will need to.

    Bye bye
  13. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    why re-invent the wheel?
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    interesting: Marine Power Applications

    These folks are looking for investors

    Bye bye
  14. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    you truly are acting like an idiot - maybe just trolling.

    Nobody is questioning the fact that fuel cells exist and they work and that they are used in number of applications. What people question (rightfully so) is that you could produce enough H2 to run said fuel cell with less power than the output.

    That is the only single point where anyone disagrees with you - and as said rightfully so as it would break some fundamental laws of physics. Which you fail to explain how or why that would happen.

    And its not nitpicking so make a separation with hydrogen generators that use hydrocarbon gas as base - in that case 150W+HC = 5000W does make sense.

  15. DCockey
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    Or perhaps there is very fundamental lack of knowledge or understanding.
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