Hybrid Electric Propulsion for Boats, Diesel-Electric, etc

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by brian eiland, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    what about on demand/point of use applications?
  2. Frog4
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  3. Frog4
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  4. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

  5. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    this should clear the confusion:

    150W = 5kW

    48VDC @ 3A input from 4/ 12VDC 105aH = 48VDC/105aH battery bank = 150W input into 5kW fuel cell reformer system.

    This WILL run for 40+ hours at MAX rated inputs/outputs or 100+ hours at MIN rated inputs/outputs.
  6. Kay9
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    Kay9 1600T Master

    Sorry but there is absolutly NO WAY a 48 vDC batt of any kind will operate at 150W for 4 hours let alone 40. Dont believe me. Go get an inverter and give it a try.

  7. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    does your car battery have to support the load of the engine electronics after it has started?
  8. Kay9
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    Kay9 1600T Master

    Yes it dose with additional support from the engine. now let me QUOTE you.
    "150W = 5kW

    48VDC @ 3A input from 4/ 12VDC 105aH = 48VDC/105aH battery bank = 150W input into 5kW fuel cell reformer system."

    This dosnt work...I can add.

    If you think this works you cant add.

    You show me any battery in the world that will supply the 150 watts to your 5KW fuel cell for 40 hours even with the 5kw fuel cells help. I assume you are not useing magic to create Hydrogen. So what you are saying is a 150w Battery will make hydrogen for your 5KW fuel cell. Now I know for a fact, having made hydrogen for fuel cell systems before, that 150W is not going to produce anything like enough Hydrogen to supply a 5KW fuel cell "on demand" and if you are use previously stored Hydrogen from the 5KW fuel cell to also make Hydrogen then you are going to be is a loss loss mode and you will run out.

    There is no way your going to get 5000w out of a 150w ANYTHING.

    You cant get a 5 hour log to burn for 50 hours. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

    Your not going to get 1000 horse power ot of a 5 horse engine....ever.

    Now perhaps in your world a falling apple will beat a feather to the ground if they are both dropped at the same time...but in this world thats not the case and no matter how many links you post or how condescending you get this isnt going to change.

    You see we are not the ones claiming the world is flat....You are.
  9. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    your car battery can be disconnected and the entire car will run until the fuel is gone ... FACT

    my math is just fine .... FACT
  10. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    and 48VDC @ 3A input from 4/ 12VDC 105aH = 48VDC/105aH battery bank = 150W input into 5kW fuel cell reformer system ... FACT ... working systems already in existence ... just like our car battery scenario ... FACT
  11. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    your math is OFF, you forgot to take into account the aH of the batteries ... :)
  12. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    Just like a car, the fuel cell reformer needs a fossil fuel to extract the hydrogen from. The other product is C02.
  13. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    Just do it. What is it going to take? 10k$? 20k$?

    that's not much to revolutionize modern energy production.

    I will buy you a bottle of cognac when you create your 5kw from 150w. I could use those on a farm. Big electric bills and rather than power 5kw motor I would just use 150w.
  14. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    fossil fuel NOT required ... straight H2O

  15. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    and you are still on the negative nancy bandwagon ... I've since provided links to KNOWN off the shelf products and you still scoff ... maybe you should lay off the booze and start READING ...
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