Hull Mold Manufacturer's List?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Wayne Olson, Nov 16, 2023.

  1. Wayne Olson
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    Wayne Olson Junior Member

    I want to have a rotating mold made for 17' powerboat hull. I'm putting together a list of manufacturers but I'm probably missing some good ones that a google search isn't finding.
    Thomas Register is surprisingly useless for this. Is there a handy list of US mold manufacturers available somewhere? I'm in MD so the East Coast is preferable.
  2. Tague
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    Tague Junior Member

    Stuart Composites 954-648-1896 in Jensen Beach FL
  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

  4. KD8NPB
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    KD8NPB Senior Member

    We build tooling.

    I typically would not do a rotating mold for a boat that size, production cycle times are too slow to be profitable.
  5. Wayne Olson
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    Wayne Olson Junior Member

    Thanks. Just for clarifying, are you saying a male mold for this size is preferable?
  6. KD8NPB
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    KD8NPB Senior Member

    still a female mold, but think more like a bathtub.

    With a rotating mold, the cycle time is doubled because each half of the molding must cure before being flipped, otherwise the wet material will fall down.

    The hardware and framing required to achieve rotational capability will also add a +30% cost to toolmaking.

    I want my customers to be profitable and to achieve maximum dollar velocity. I can’t be used for your next project if you go bankrupt.

    We have an existing customer in the Annapolis area we do production work for.
  7. Wayne Olson
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    Wayne Olson Junior Member

    I seem to be missing something here: Why does the rotating mold have twice the curing cycle time of the "bathtub" mold? Wouldn't the bathtub mold need the same amount of curing time as the rotating mold?

    Good point on the extra cost of a rotating mold. I didn't realize the extra cost was that much.
  8. KJL38
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    KJL38 Senior Member

    Would this mould be for composites or HDPE?
  9. Wayne Olson
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    Wayne Olson Junior Member

    Nothing exotic. Polyester resin and fiberglass matting/roving with some coring for stringers/transom.
  10. KD8NPB
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    KD8NPB Senior Member

    you can only laminate half the mold at a time.

    if you rotate it before curing, all of the material will fall down.

    non-issue with traditional mold.
    ondarvr likes this.
  11. mudsailor
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  12. KD8NPB
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    then you’re paying a significant premium for something you’re not using.

    also, it will upset the ergonomics of the molding, which will reduce quality.
  13. mudsailor
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    mudsailor Junior Member

    And laminating a near vertical topsides towards the laminator will have no impact on quality…….look at your website, a small mold that rotates!
    I just think there are more factors in play that ‘fewer cure cycles’

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  14. KD8NPB
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    That mold set was over $120k and killed two ownerships from lack of profitability due to excess labor requirements.

    I was hired to do consulting on how to make it profitable.

  15. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Curios, was it able to be made profitable?
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