hull modelling in Delftship

Discussion in 'Software' started by adriano, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. adriano
    Joined: Aug 2009
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    adriano Senior Member

    Hi there,
    am about to model bulwarks and face the problem of distored grey lines like frames, buttock etc. Apparently the rule is to use 4 control points in a face but then how can I shape details?!
    Is anyone able to give any suggestion how to proceed about that?:)

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  2. Perm Stress
    Joined: Sep 2009
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    Perm Stress Senior Member

    I Delft you just can't shape details.
    The program is designed for large fair surfaces, like entire hull of a ship.
    And is excellent at this.
    No less excellent at other NA stuff, like tanks, stability, etc..
    The flip side is, that even "fair" connection between flat side and radius chine of large cargo ship is not possible to do in Delft: flat and cylinder connection is not fair for Delftship, because, radius of curvature make a "jump" from infinity of flat surface to 1m (or whatever) of cylinder. Software will try to smooth it out.
    With long time and ingenuity (including looking other's jobs ) you will discover tricks to fool it at some points, but do not expect much in sense of fine detail and precise connections of fine detail to large hull.
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  3. adriano
    Joined: Aug 2009
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    adriano Senior Member

    hull modelling in DS

    I was feeling it's like that!
    I would then have to use other sofwares like Rhino, Autocad etc and export the file/parts into these to model small details right?

  4. Perm Stress
    Joined: Sep 2009
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    Perm Stress Senior Member

    DelftPro can export IGES files.
    Than you can fair a hull in DelfShip oversize and trim it in AutoCAD for transom, stern platform(s), stem, windows, superstructures.
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