
Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by kvsgkvng, Feb 26, 2012.


WHat do you think about this boat?

  1. Will this boat float?

  2. Will this boat be a fine fishing boat on a lake?

  3. Will this boat accommodate a husband and wife?

  4. Will this boat be able to sail in protected and coastal waters?

  5. Will this boat make trans-Atlantic journey?

  6. Will this boat travel around the world?

  7. Will this boat have enough capacity for all provisions?

  8. Do you like this boat?

  9. Would you add any constructive comments?

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. kvsgkvng
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    kvsgkvng Senior Member

    My other thread died like a lifeless flower. So, what do I do? I renamed my boat as “Huevo.” The last name “Walnut” somehow did not lived long enough.

    Well, this pretty much sums-up everything I could think of at this moment. Is there anything I missed? Thanks upfront for approving nods, constructive frills, snobbish comments, grungy denials, accusing statements and other meaningful notes.
    Regards, kvsgkvng

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    Last edited: Feb 29, 2012
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    It will accomodate a husband and wife, how happily is the $64 question ! :D
  3. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Its possible to survive in a module. But WHY ?
  4. bntii
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    bntii Senior Member

    My thoughts-

    1) Why call this poll "12 foot passage maker" when you just want a lake boat/inshore cruiser?

  5. kvsgkvng
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    kvsgkvng Senior Member

    No progress at all, maybe I should call this boat a "turtle?'

    Out in the open, happiness in my mind steps aside for just raw desire to live. Once when I was certain I would capsize, I thought of everything in my life's past in one tiny second. I want that feeling back. Aren't we all adrenaline junkies?

    So, I could cross the oceans and visit YOU! I hope you perceive this as a joke. Seriously, why not to build 12-foot boat? If it works out, it will be a nice little "huevo." If not -- it did not cost much. Either way it is win/win scenario. :D

    The small print at the end of the quote refers to "passages near coastal shores" and "several weeks at a time." That was a giveaway sentence, actually two giveaway sentences... It is possible to get 3-5 foot swells a mile away from shore, sometimes called "coastal water." So, it is really not all that different from nice open water.

    I am working on the internals of the boat trying to model floor, doors, windows, outboard on the bracket, etc. I also thought that with all planks which are fully developable, is it worth to make this boat out of welded aluminum or steel? I have never worked with these materials and can not envision how to make connections between metal hull and numerous non-metal details inside the boat. With wood and epoxy/fiberglass it is easy -- just glue them to each other. The cost is another consideration. I don't know, but it may be prohibitive to use professional welding instead of doing it myself in the backyard. I will keep you posted.

    But nobody added a single constructive opinion!
    (button #9 in the bureaucratic pole above) I thought green would go nicely with general feeling of friendship?
  6. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Cost ? You can go to the shipyard next door and buy a reasonble 30 footer for peanuts. Put a bit of time into her and sail across the ocean. Or you could build a 12 footer, sail across the ocean , then turn her into a flowerpot and throw away all your time and money.
  7. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member

    you will be shocked when you find out what it costs to build in this day and age
    you dont give your location but my guess is that you are much closer to water than I am

    I built my boat because there is NOTHING even close (or second hand) to what I see as a trailer sailer.
    Be very careful to build if you could buy a used boat MUCH cheaper and fix her up
    Your 12ft boat can do what you want if you can live with it, be careful about the missus, the woman get tired very quickly.

    forget that - it WILL COST - building is an expensive "hobby"
  8. TeddyDiver
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    Don't shout.. it hurts my eyes ;)
    Trying to be constructive.. Yes it float's, it's defineatly not a fishing boat, thou it has enough room for two adults (hopefully not same sex) it's much too intimate for anyone past their puberty.. anyway after the first 30min or so.. It's able to sail but not with delight and it's possible to do trans and round anything (in a container) and it doesn't have enough capasity even for a weekend, I like it but only for day sailing or even better as lifeboat (remember EPIRB).
    Constructive.. double the length would be MUCH better ;)
  9. Outlaw45
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    Outlaw45 Senior Member

    I really like these guy's that want to go around the world in small, very small boats. WOW, I am so inpressed.

  10. WestVanHan
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  11. eyschulman
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    eyschulman Senior Member

    Here is a constructive thought. If you must do this Go bigger. No need to get into the economics or personal aspects of what is driving you. It is just plane practical to go a little bigger maybe 22-33 ft.
  12. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Huevo is spanish for egg, is that correct? O.K. The drawing is an egg like boat. Built the way you have shown, it will be quite strong ala egg shell. As a boat it will be extremely tender unless you use a lot of deep ballast. It will need some interior carpentry that will give you a flat place to stand or lie down. Some cabinetry too. It is going to become heavy and complex and likely too expensive for a 12 footer. Please take the advice of the other members and go for a bigger boat. We are not picking on you or on your ideas but you asked questions and you have gotten some good answers.

    Before you get too far into this project you should do some investigating into the designs of existing micro cruisers. Look into the Peep Hen design, the West Wight Potter designs, and others of that sort. The ones mentioned have been around for years and improvements have evolved over time. You can take advantage of some of the hard won knowledge from current micro cruiser types.

    There are several organized groups of sailors in England who are keen on cruising with boats that are too small. There are groups of this kind in many places. In my state, Florida, the group is called West Coast Trailer Sailors. You will do well to explore any web sites of people who do this sort of cruising. Learn from those who have experience with this sort of adventure rather than reinventing the wheel. There are some useful, even essential, books. The Trailer Saiors Guide To North America for example. A good read is the book; Beachcruising; An illustrated guide to the boats, gear, navigation techniques, cuisine, and comforts of small boat cruising. Author Douglas Alvord ISBN 0-87742-973-1
  13. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    I offered constructive advice on your previous thread in all 4 of my posts:

    I can tell you the same things, possably in a more palatable fashion, but frankly I just don't think you get it.

    For example, how have you gone about specifying the molded and sided dimensions of structural elements?
  14. kvsgkvng
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    kvsgkvng Senior Member

    thank you from the bottom of my heart

    Thanks for a serious and impersonal advice. All what you mentioned, I agree with and I will definitely would do that. The ballast, cabinetry and other things are on the list. The “bigger and better boat” – I will not.

    All I am asking if this is a feasible and sound idea. I am not on the market to get most of bung for the buck. You mentioned the ballast and I agree. I designed this boat with a lot of displacement. I knew that it would need ballast to stabilize this empty shell.

    For example, if I say put the ballast in the keel that would be excellent. If I say stash it in lead under the floorboards, then it would be my second choice. However, if I say that I would use double keels on each side filled with water, someone would disagree and may argue about my choice.
    My take on this scheme is that when heeling the keel filled with water is high out of the seas and it gets heavy. The other keel in the water would have all weight negated with buoyancy. The more water-filled keel is out of water, the more the resisting momentum and stability force trying to return the boat in neutral equilibrium. When back in the water the keel is just a shell with no vertical significance.

    This is where I need an intelligent opinion of a naval architect. I am fine with statics of the process. Instead if someone starts to advise me to get “bigger and better” used yacht with a led keel, I would disagree saying we are talking apples and oranges.

    Now is the real question. I try to imagine a skipper trying to adjust the headsail on top of this rounded cabin. There is almost no foothold on the bow. Usually it happens in rough water and high swells. I think it is not good because it would be very easy to slip in the water.

    Here goes the aft-mast. All of work can be done from within the cockpit, including adjusting sail with furler-rolling. It also could be done form below canvas bimini top in rough seas. If the cockpit is closed this boat is not afraid of a roll over. I know there are disadvantages with aft-mounted mast, but being alive is more important. I care less if I have to use whisker pole in low winds. I just want to be able to control the sail during inclement weather from a secure and protected area.

    So, I changed a little the sail rigging of the boat. Can anyone give me an intelligent analysis of it? I cannot believe that this would not work. Making it perfect with knowledge is the area where I yield to professionals. Anyway, I thank you and all who spent time reading my posts. :)

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  15. Outlaw45
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    Outlaw45 Senior Member

    hey KV, how ya going to power this? by ores or what? or did I miss something?

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