How to start work in Maxsurf Stability?

Discussion in 'Stability' started by Rabah, Aug 1, 2016.

  1. Rabah
    Joined: Mar 2014
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    Rabah Senior Member

    Calculation of an intact stability and unsinkability with the program Maxsurf Stability - tips:
    1. When the ready file from Maxsurf Modeler for the first time open in Stability, we see the table Section Calculation Options with a mark on Read existing data and sections /du not update geometry/. I recommend to not change it /see Fig 1/.

    2. The diligent preliminary preparation is necessary:
    2.1 Under Rules of Classification organization it is necessary to establish what cases of the loads for the projected class of the ship are required to calculate for an intact and damaged vessel.
    2.2 To indicate what we want to make - for example Large Angle Stability /see Fig 2/.
    2.3 To enter names of all cases of the loads /see Fig 3/.
    2.4 To indicate on intact or damage vessel /see Fig 4/.
    2.5 To supplement the table for all tanks /Room Definition Window/-see Fig 5.
    Attention! It is not necessary previously in Modeler to add any internal constructions - bulkheads, walls, platforms. But it is necessary to know their arrangement. If you have Scheme of tanks, be guided on it and on the adopted design /practical/ frames. It is necessary to supplement the table snug only. Even in view of arrangement of thickness concerning design frames.
    2.6 It is necessary to make a calibration of all tanks /see Fig 6/.
    2.7 After the calibration of tanks it is necessary to supplement the table for each case of the loads separately /Load Case Window/-see Fig 7.
    2.8 We point downflooding points /Key Points Window/-see Fig 8.
    2.9 We point the Margin Line Points in Margin Line Points Window -see Fig 9.
    2.10 Must select criteria about an intact and damage stability - see Fig 10, Fig 11 and Fig 19.
    2.11 In Maxsurf Modeler v.20 - Manual, page 26 it is shown how it is necessary to calculate Windage area and area centroid height. Too it is shown and on page 27 in Maxsurf Stability v.20-Manual. But it is possible for calculating in an Excel precisely as it is specified in Rules or at other programs, for example in Delftship Pro and then to add in stability criteria - see Fig 11.

    3. It is already possible to press button Start Analysis - see Fig 12.
    The outcomes can be seen on:
    Current Results Window - Fig 13
    Criteria Results Window - Fig 14
    Key Point Results Window - Fig 15
    Report window - Fig 16
    Graph Window-Righting Lever - Fig 17
    Graph Window - Dynamic Stability - Fig 18

    NA Razmik Baharyan

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  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Why the specific gravity of the liquid in the tanks of diesel is set to 1 ?.
    The damage permeability of 95% for many tanks seems rather low. Instead put 100% of intact permeability seems too high.
    In addition to tanks, that ship should have some compartment which must be taken into account in damage stability studies. Many of the tanks, however, should not be taken into account in these studies.
    Perhaps, before carrying out very complicated calculations, it would be appropriate to establish more accurate starting data. And a more real example would also be interesting because these calculations for a tugboat is unusual. What MaxSurf tells us about studies Bollard pull for tugboat?
    Why not to check the margin line immersion?
    We again have the same problem we've had in previous studies: zero values for heeling arm due to severe wind and rolling.
    Thanks in advance for answering this questions.
  3. Rabah
    Joined: Mar 2014
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    Rabah Senior Member

  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Sorry Rabah but all that does not answer any of my questions. I do not want to know what MaxSrurf's manuals say but to know why you, as a designer, have made the decisions, some of them wrong in my opinion, which lead to the data you entered in your studio.
    I also asked for an explanation of the results, some of which seem to me strange, obtained.
    The only thing I ask in relation to MaxSXurf is on the specific criteria for tugs that includes this software and, if there is none, how do you solve them?
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