How to start a wooden runaboat project having furniture factory.

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by Rodrigo Hurtarte, Dec 1, 2018.

  1. Rodrigo Hurtarte
    Joined: Dec 2018
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    Rodrigo Hurtarte Junior Member

    Hello to all!
    Im from Guatemala and i have a a complete furniture factory, but my passion and likes are runaboats.
    I want to start a wooden runaboat project or start a wooden boat restoration but I don’t know where to start!
    Why im telling i have a furniture factory? Because i have all wooden machinery, CNC, we make fiberglass tops for vanities, we have painting cabins, we work with all materials that I suppose you need for building or restoring a boat.
    The problem is that I don’t know which model is good for starting a project, will someone recommend any small model to start? Is it better to start a restoration? I would like a boat for a lake (calm waters).
    I would appreciate any support!
  2. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    Lake Isobel or Lake Atitlan (our favourite lake in the world) or??? What do you want to do with the boat once built? fish? waterski? how many people etc etc. the more you tell us the better we can advise, there are lots of designs out there!

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs
  3. Rodrigo Hurtarte
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    Rodrigo Hurtarte Junior Member

    Hi Richard,
    Definitely for Atitlan, what a lake!! I love it too!
    I need the boat for waterskiing and just for cruising on the lake, it could be for 4-5 people. I like those chris craft models from the 1950’s but since I don’t have any experience, I want to start with a small project.
    It could be from 11’ to 16’ maybe?
    Thank you!
  4. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I know a guy that buys old Chris Crafts and remakes all the parts brand new. Grayboating? I think he called it.

    Start with something simpler either timber on frame or stitch n glue.

    While I have the most respect for Richard and I am building one of his cats; Ken Hankinson has some designs like Chris Crafts. I am not a fan of the website, but check some of these out.

    Ken Hankinson boat designs for the beginning boat builder
  5. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    I'll post this as something to look through for inspiration. The plans and building methods are vintage but interesting. There's a few inboard runabouts of what I think of as 'Christ Craft' kind of boats. The pages are sort of fuzzy but when clicked on they come up clear. - Free Boat Plans From "Science and Mechanics" Magazines

    I just noticed the 'Chum' plans show it's powered bya WW ll Army surplus Jeep engine. I used to see those Jeeps in the magazines for something like $76, along with surplus rifles for $4 to $6.

    W.D. Jackson was quite a designer, as was John Gardner. Was William Gardner related?

    Last edited: Dec 1, 2018
  6. JamesG123
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    JamesG123 Senior Member

    You are doing this for a single boat for your own use? Or as an expansion to your business?
    Hiring an experienced wooden boat builder to supervise will be the quickest, least painful way.
  7. Rodrigo Hurtarte
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    Rodrigo Hurtarte Junior Member

    Hi Fallguy,
    Thanks for the Ken Hankinson site, the Tahoe 18 is great!
    Now the Greyboating couldn’t find it.
    Thank you!
  8. Rodrigo Hurtarte
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    Rodrigo Hurtarte Junior Member

    Thanks Samsam, i just saw the site and there are many plans good to start, they look old, but it could be a good start. Thanks!
  9. Rodrigo Hurtarte
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    Rodrigo Hurtarte Junior Member

    Hi James,
    Yes, is for my own use. Not sure if its a good idea to make this as a new product of the business!
    Thanks for your comment
  10. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I may be misusing the term. Here is a guy that restores these boats. He basically finds old boats and tears them down to the basic frame and makes all the parts brand new. 100% restored - even the engines are made to like new. But takes a lot of money...easier to build.

    Gray Boats For Sale
  11. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    SamSam, this is weird. I am currently building a model of that boat.
  12. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    Ike, that is a coincidence. Out of thousands of small boat plans, what are the odds? Are you making an RC model?

    Rodrigo, here's some boat plans sites. A few sites I zero'd in on the classic models, but they all have a 'home' link to show all they have.

    Glen-L Boat Plans
    Clark Craft - Boat Plans, Boat Supplies & Marine Epoxy
    Build your own vintage speed boat with plans for the Sportwin from Hartly Boat Plans New Zealand.

    Here's a link to other links from the very site we're posting on with some repeats, some new sites...
    Boat Plans and Boat Designs for powerboat and sailboat building.

    If you don't know where to start, I'd just find something you like that fits your needs and that is easy, fast and inexpensive to build. That will give you the start and then while building and operating you can refine your needs and wants.
    You can build wooden boats from solid lumber such as planks for hull and deck etc or easier and faster from plywood based plans. Probably easiest and fastest is plywood using stitch and glue techniques.
  13. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Sam Sam, No its not an RC. Too small, It's a Dumas Model about 9 1/2 inches long. 1949 Chris Craft. They call it a Racer but it's identical to the boat pictured. I have been working on it for quite a while. When the weather gets bad I haul it out and do a few things. So its mainly to fill time between other more important things like , going fishing, boating, working on my website, etc.
  14. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Have you got it all planked?

  15. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member


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