How to make a pedal powered prop.

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by Kirk, Feb 24, 2022.

  1. Kirk
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    Kirk Junior Member

    Here's the pieces i got. Easiest way to turn this into power?

    trainer stand
    drill paddle

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  2. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    That should work great, as long as you don’t mind traveling sideways!
    How did you determine the correct dimensions for the propeller?
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  3. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Use the search window (above right) and you'll find an answer to your buy-line anyway.
    Easier to buy a 16'" x 16" R/C airplane prop and use it with a 6 or 7 : 1 amplifier gear set (overdrive).
    What hull, weight and speed expectation over what period of time (10 minutes or two hours)?
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  4. portacruise
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    portacruise Senior Member

    The drill paddle will be very lossy, because of the inefficient weedless prop and high RPM required, since it is designed to be powered by a high RPM /low torque drill. APC propellers has at least one Marine propeller replacement for a human power unit, plus other more efficient air prop substitutes that work with the lower RPM/ high torque associated with human power.
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  5. Kirk
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    Kirk Junior Member

    I looked at the price of $40 on Facebook marketplace & said for $40 it must be the right design! :)

    Sideways. Coast guard says must be underway for 4 hrs. Sideways counts right? :)

    Thanks appreciate the input/advice.

    My current view. Headed on week long cruise.

    I'm trying to think of cheap way to transfer the bike pedaling to propulsion. Sounds like prop off model airplane. But still need alot for shaft/gearing. Plus the paddle boats I've been on our direct drive meaning if you want to back up just pedal in reverse. The bike i got doesn't have that.

    Thinking pontoon/catamaran boat about 7 feet wide. 12 feet long made out of Styrofoam & poor man's fiberglass.

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  6. Kirk
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    Kirk Junior Member

    Two bikes using training stands.

    How to get a shaft & propeller but still won't have a reverse. Of course I'll need a transmission lol kidding kinda i hope. Or else how to go in reverse?

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  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    What is the requirement from the Coast Guard for? In a small pedal boat, a reverse is not really necessary. If you are too close to turn, you can push and turn the boat by hand.
  8. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    So you have no idea what you're aiming for.
    Kinda hard to get to where you don't know you're going.
    What is the goal here?
    Answer my questions above, and we can start.
    Enjoy your cruise.
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  9. portacruise
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    portacruise Senior Member

    My guess is he's trying to get his captain's license by logging in 4 hours per day, 360 days on a body of water located some distance away, requiring an overnight sleeper, and doing it as cheaply as possible, plus with the least effort/ materials possible. I think it's an interesting challenge.

    My best guess recommendation would be something like a large inflatable emergency life raft with roof, which might be rigged with a meshed hammock section for sleeping inside, and powered by a Troll Motor. Maybe it could be collapsed to fit inside his Prius, or hauled on top / trailer, and inflated / deflated each trip to the river. I think the setup would be easy to put together and might be fairly low cost, if the different parts are purchase used.

    Here's the original post,

    Boat camper topper to haul behind prius

    Hope this helps.
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  10. Kirk
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    Kirk Junior Member

    You pretty much nailed my requirements! Although I'm still in brainstorming a bit.

    Daang you! My gf loves hammocks :) got some scope creep now! Although i did just buy a hammock stand off FB marketplace for $25. Be great addition. My gf will love it.

    I had sold last hammock stand I'd bought her.

    Gf n i keep walking by the life boats. & joking we need to fit the huge Styrofoam floats in our luggage.

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    Last edited: Feb 28, 2022
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  11. Kirk
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    Kirk Junior Member

    Reverse was more to make up for me coming into a dock not quite right. But I'm probably thinking this boat gonna go fast enough to need a reverse. Although on small two person paddle boats in past I've always found reverse to be helpful when docking.

    Coast guard has requirement to be underway for 4 hours to count towards 360 days for captain's license.
  12. Kirk
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    Kirk Junior Member

    PortaCruise had link to my original post. But yeah it's pretty "brainstormy" right now.

    I think I'm gonna try to fit a hammock into the design.

    Some of this is iterative. & I'm not really wanting to use cad/cam. Thinking a scaled model.

    But I'm also trying to get the pieces together cheap as i find them. Sounds like the drill paddle be best used as back up /emergency power. Or on my canoe.

    I've got my eyes out for cheap mast & sail & trolling motor & battery. Thinking maybe a mast/sail off something like a 14 foot hobie. But this will probably be a 12 foot boat made from basement foam & poor mans fiberglassed.

    Although still trying to figure out how to cheaply get a shaft & prop into the water to get pedal power from a bike or two bikes on this thing. Which will affect my boat design.
  13. Kirk
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    Kirk Junior Member

    & probably need to start looking for a bike with quick release rear wheel for gf. Quick release required for the trainers i ordered. & most bikes with quick release are typically higher end. The one i picked up was a Giant brand aluminum frame for $150. Although her job entails walking 9 miles/day so she probably prefer the hammock vs pedaling!
  14. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You can drift all day and you are technically under way. ;)
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  15. Kirk
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    Kirk Junior Member

    Gf n I have this bike. Because of no front brake & no gearing Not that fun to ride. & harder to talk not being side by side.

    So probably two individual bikes be better.
    Isn't that how Huck Finn got his captain's license? :). Lol

    The coast guard form does ask what kind of power the vessel you're claiming experience on has.

    But I'm not for sure what CG will & won't accept. Figure a sail & trolling motor with supplementary bike pedal power 4 hrs underway i might as well get a work out in. Would like to be able to row but a 7 foot wide by 12 foot long not sure easy way to add rowing?

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