How to design my Dreamyacht?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Qeno, Sep 30, 2022.

  1. Qeno
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    Qeno New Member

    and thank you for being able to ask on this forum!
    I love sailing and that's why I want to design my dream yacht on my computer. I made some (very non-professional) sketches on paper using the form of a Nordship 430 DS Classic, which I really like, just some specifications, and it would be perfect.
    Now my goal is it to make a 3d sketch on my laptop which I later can print out using my 3d printer (and at some time for having it build in real size :D ). I already have some experience with Fusion 360, but not enough to design the boat there right now, I think.
    Can you give me some tips where to start, where I can find some information (e.g. videos, articles or something like that? What software is good to start with? How do I start?

    Anything useful for me is very welcoming! Thank you very much in advance!

    Kind regards from Germany
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2022
  2. rodrimonti
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    rodrimonti Junior Member

    Hi Keno!
    If you can access the maxsurf software, it is a great program for modeling the hull and doing some initial stability and resistance analyses. From there you can export the surfaces to make a 3d impression
  3. Qeno
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    Qeno New Member

    Thank you really for your reply! My priority is at the moment the interior design. Do you know a software or other tips for that?
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Qeno.

    Have you bought any textbooks relating to the basics of naval architecture / yacht design yet?
    If not, then it might be a good idea to start off in this fashion.
    It is all very well making a 3-D sketch on your computer, but do you know how to convert this into a 2-D lines plan?

    Is your ultimate ambition to design and build your own full size version of a Nordship 430 DS Classic?
    Here is some background info on this vessel for reference. - NORDSHIP 430 DS Sailboat

    Re how your interior design is your priority now, I think that you need to sketch out a general arrangement drawing in 2-D first of all, in combination with a hull lines plan - if you just do a pretty 3-D interior drawing, you might find later on that because the hull is curved everywhere, the settee that you just drew is sticking outside the hull. Houses with square or rectangular shaped rooms are easier to deal with in this respect :)
  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    From your post, it appears that you are at the beginning of learning yacht design. The software will only give you pretty drawings, not a design. The design is what the drawings represent. Forget software and start by the engineering basics. For example, strength of materials, displacement calculations, behavior of hulls in different sea conditions, and propeller design. However, considering the investment on building a boat, a professional design is a better route. You can modify it to suit your needs and aesthetics. If you are planning on building the boat, that will take enough years to keep you busy. On the other hand, a professional yard is not likely to want to build an amateur designed yacht. The main reason being that any failure may give them a bad reputation.
    pafurijaz and bajansailor like this.
  6. Qeno
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    Qeno New Member

    Thanks very much to both of you! My current plan is to design the boat and then print it out and put on my desk. Then at some time, when I have enough money I would like to go to a professional yard, show them my model, so that we can together work out a functional yacht which they then can build. I hope that explains why I'm so focused on the interior.
    It does make sense to me, but maybe you've got a good point. What do you think?
  7. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    What do I think?
    I think that when you have enough money, your best bet would probably be to buy a second hand Nordship 430 DS.
    Or even commission a brand new one, if they are still in production then.

    These two options will result in you getting a better boat at much less cost than what you propose in post #6 above.
  8. Skyak
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    Skyak Senior Member

    You have excellent taste. The Nordship 430 DS Classic is pretty perfect for the most common requirements. My next question for you is, are you doing this with the intension of progress toward producing your dream boat, or is the designing for its own pleasure while you are landbound working to afford your commissioning of a 430 DS?

    It looks like the 430 DS is stick built inside the fiberglass hull, so Nordship is likely happy to customize to whatever is possible for each customer. If you are a legitimate customer they might even give you a simplified CAD file of the interior volume to play with.

    If your intent is to design "from scratch" you need to study how to get into the design spiral to know what you need to know.
    "Principles of Yacht Design", Larsson, Eliasson, Orych, is a little dated but exactly to the point of how to design a keel boat. While you are reading you can begin with your statement of requirements. When you get to hull form you should get "gene-hull" (graciously provided by Dolfiman) to play with hydrostatics.

  9. Qeno
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    Qeno New Member

    Thanks for your reply and sorry for my late answer! You are right with both of your theses. I want to have a design ready when I am able to afford to build it by a shipyard, but also for my own pleasure to have it displayed on my desk :).

    I'll try that book recommendation! Thank you!
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