How to design Folding Boat as finally to be covered with GRP

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by MtUmut Sarac, Oct 15, 2024.

  1. MtUmut Sarac
    Joined: Sep 2024
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    MtUmut Sarac Junior Member

    I want a canoe bodied, fully enclosed, grp, 4 meters long double ender sailboat, inspired by Yrvind design and inspired by ORU KAYAKS.

    I want to design above boats male mold as folding plastic boat like ORU and use this boat as GRP male mold. I want boat is beautiful as ORU not a pizza box.

    I want to use first, 4x2 mts PP sheet as the top of the sailboat and second 4x2 mts PP sheet as bottom of the sailboat. TOTAL BOAT AREA IS 16 SQUARE METERS , ORU HAVE APPRX 4.5 SQUARE METERS.

    Each sheet of boat will be folded , stacked at winter and to be carried ,opened , joined and fiberglassed next summer.

    How one should start to design the pattern ? Can CAD but opensource windows CAD help ?
    Is there a book or paper how folding boats patterns designed like oru ?

    Last edited: Oct 16, 2024
  2. Waterwitch
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    Waterwitch Senior Member

    If PP stands for polypropylene, sorry to rain on your parade, but must resins do not stick to it, being that it is non polar.
  3. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    not understanding "fiberglassed next summer" do you mean cutting fiberglass bonds between panels for storage, then re-glassing next season? sounds like new layer of glass would be thin and even so would build up every season, but I guess it could be doable for a few seasons.

    In USA at least, if you are an official College Student you can buy 1 year of FULL Student Edition Solidworks for $49....AND....get full IIRC 2yr lic for full suite of Autodesk products for FREE. Bonus: You can buy a 2nd SW and you have about a year to activate it for a 2nd year of lic.

    These are the full power with all the trimmings of the real stuff, just can't export files to real CAM machines or work with real full lic Versions or will cause bad problem.

    I don't think there are any books or papers for folding boats or even inflatables, but there should be.
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I think a classic origami swan would be best. Of course, it should be powered by a single stage steam engine.
    Alan Cattelliot likes this.

  5. Eric Zhu
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    Eric Zhu Junior Member

    maybe aluminum alloy boat is better than GRP material
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