How to calculate outside hull dimensions

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by Insomniac, Jul 25, 2018.

  1. Insomniac
    Joined: Jul 2018
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    Insomniac Junior Member

    Thanks for the clarification I think I understand now. Sounds like I am out of luck until/ if you provide more details on how to accomplish your method, or I manage to get real offsets from the designer. I will cross my fingers for at least one of those to happen.
  2. Insomniac
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    Insomniac Junior Member

    I see. Thanks for helping clarify this. My understanding of offsets was way off.
  3. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    @rwatson, first of all I want to thank you for your efforts and for sharing your method with others. In the next few days I will study it because, at a glance, it is not easy to understand. I understand the spheres but I can not see the procedure, that is, how it is materialized, what are the steps to reach an acceptable result. I think, for now, without having deepened the subject, some question:
    - How to proceed when the shape and position of the mirror is not known?
    - Would the procedure be the same if a transverse section is used instead of the mirror? (I guess so)
    - if you take two panels, bottom and side, for example, what would be the three spheres that you have to draw? -
    - How is the radius of each of the spheres calculated? Is it the same for all?
    - In one of your pictures in the other thread one can see two circles. Should not each circle be in the plane of one of the panels? (see attached picture)
    Thank you in advance for sharing your experiences.

    Attached Files:

  5. rwatson
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Hi Tansl

    I'm slowly making progress. Preparing understandable diagrams is pretty time consuming.
    This example, explains the process if you have say, the transom dimensions, to start us off.

    This diagram shows the major "rules"
    The divisions along the edges of the panels, must match the other side, and be proportional to the length. You could imagine that the points along the edges of each panel could be the holes for wires in a stitch and glue construction.
    The bright yellow lines with little white "Points" near the centre of the "Balls", are created by using the Rhino Command IntersectTwoSets, that draws a line where the Balls touch each other.

    The Balls are made with the

    The Balls are created with the Sphere Center Radius.
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