how to attaching floors and seats into a fiberglass drift boat.

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by JEFFHEENAN, Feb 14, 2016.

    Joined: Oct 2014
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    JEFFHEENAN Junior Member

    Hello all you fiberglass and boat design experts. My next question is how do I attach my seats and raised floor in my new drift boat I made from a custom mold with poly resin? My layup was 3 layers of csm, a layer of 18 oz wr another of csm then wr. I overlapped the chines every time. The sides are a little wobbly but I assume the accessories with sure them up. Also I plan to finish the entire inside with a layer of csm when the accessories are in. Will this layup be sturdy enough?
  2. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    CSM is not your friend, use as little as possible, you don't want multiple layers of it.

    Seats and other things are glassed in as needed.
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    JEFFHEENAN Junior Member

    Thanks for the reply. Is csm my friend if I am looking for twisting pressure and weight ? also how do you glass in accessories?

  4. ondarvr
    Joined: Dec 2005
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    You just glass them in as needed, typically a strucural laminate on the bottom and a cosmetic one on the top.

    CSM doesn't add much to a laminate, it's used to prevent interlaminate shear between the layers fabric, other than that you're better off with as little as possible. As I said in your other post, CSM adds weight and cost with few benefits.
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