How tight of radius 4oz Xynole go around?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by abosely, Sep 7, 2023.

  1. abosely
    Joined: Mar 2015
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    abosely Senior Member

    How tight of radius will 4oz Xynole go around and stay down well without struggle?

    For example: a 90 degree corner with a ½” roundover radius, or ¼” roundover.

    Wondering what is smallest practical radius 4oz Xynole can go around.
    Will be using Xynole on Ulua Nui double hull sailing canoe and will have few corners to wrap around.

    Will have couple layers of glass and layer of Xynole for abrasion resistance and painted hulls, not bright finish.

    Cheers, Allen
  2. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    I have bent 10oz woven roving over a 1/4 in radius, though "without struggle" is something that will differ with everyone. Xynole is really flexible, but you will probably still need to tape an edge down to keep it tight to the radius. If you can live with 1/2in, its less of a struggle. Easier to try it out on a bit of scrap first and make your own mind up.
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  3. abosely
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    abosely Senior Member

    Thanks thats good to know that down to about ¼” radius should be workable.

    I’ll try some different radius before deciding how tight radius to use.
    I don’t have any Xynole yet to test and was curious what will be likely doable.

    Cheers, Allen
  4. Skip Johnson
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    Skip Johnson Junior Member

    Your mileage will vary but it's much easier to go around a corner if your fabric is oriented on a bias (+/- 45 degrees). I've done a 9 oz basalt/innegra hybrid around about a 3/16" radius with peelply. Actually the bows have 12 oz biaxial snugged around a tight 90 degree corner but I used stretch wrap film over the peel ply; poor man's vacuum bag ;-).

  5. abosely
    Joined: Mar 2015
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    abosely Senior Member

    Thanks for the info that is helpful. Not trying to get specific size radius, wanted to get general idea of what will be doable.

    Of course will experiment to determine what is workable.
    Nice to know general idea that ¼” radius should be doable.

    Cheers, Allen
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