how much $ to convert sterndrive to arneson surface drive

Discussion in 'Surface Drives' started by stimulous check, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. stimulous check
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    stimulous check Junior Member

    Dreaming here... has anyone converted their sterndrive boat to use an arneson drive? I like the "no break" construction of the arneson, the reduction of draft, the kid in me likes the rooster tale. Has anyone converted a sterndrive boat to an arneson? How much did it set you back?
  2. mydauphin
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    mydauphin Senior Member

    You can get a used arneson for under $5000 a piece, if you do work yourself, add another $2000. So may be $7000. You might be able to get a whole boat for 10k with a single engine.
  3. cigarette 24
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    cigarette 24 Junior Member

    The arneson surface drive is a very good drive to go fast but it has it's drawbacks .
    1. salt water eats them up bad & makes disassembly a mess.
    2. some models are discontinued so you're at their mercy to find parts.
    3. And last but not least,the prices for those parts are out of this world !
    IN CLOSING : If money don't matter , it's a fine way to go !
    P.S. I'm looking for a parts drive (1721 or asd 6) left hand rotation (gear to gear ).
  4. pizzacutter
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    pizzacutter Senior Member

    Sorry but have to disagree with some Arneson comments. Salt water affects them a lot less than it does other IO's and I have have never had trouble with assembly or disassembly. I have been running Arnesons for 23 years and am a believer. I ran the first set (SP 1000's) for 10 years and sold them for nice price. Bought a used/rebuild set ASD #8 in 2001 for $12,500. Had to glass in hull and start over, but not too hard.
    As far as parts, they are easy to get & only a few are pricey. Heck, every bearing in the unit can be bought over the counter in a bearing shop @ wholesale prices. But the good part is you don't need to buy many parts casue they don't break! I haven't touched mine in years and they have 1200 hours on them & they get used hard!
    Call Ken @ Pacific Surface Drives or Rik @ Arneson Industries. If u keeping boat for many years you will be very pleased.

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  5. jmiele3
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    jmiele3 Junior Member

    Depends on the vessel

    Generally, our drives and Arneson are pretty close in price, new. It really depends on the size of the boat, and the engine torque. Since you are currently running stern drives, I am assuming under 14 or 15m or so.

    You would be looking at $40K - $60K for France Helices new... Plus installation costs.

    If you buy a used surface drive, your biggest issue will be matching the proper propellers. If you don't get it right, you could end up with some very expensive problems.
  6. cigarette 24
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    cigarette 24 Junior Member

    Our Drives & Arneson !

    Who are you representing when you say " OUR DRIVES" & I'VE HAD MY ARNESON FOR 28 YEARS ! Any performance boat shop will tell you not to leave your boat in salt water any longer than you have to ! I'm trying to find a 1721 or asd 6 for parts cause a bearing let go and cracked the input shaft side cover & the dropbox gear were chipped . I had 1.5 to 1 ratio but I would like to drop in the 1.3 to 1 instead .Can anybody help me in regards to a fresh water parts drive or even those parts ? For a price not out of this world !
  7. jmiele3
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    jmiele3 Junior Member

    I was responding to the original post... Guess I should have checked the dates.

    As my signature says, I work for France Helices. And, normally, price wise, we are roughly in the same ballpark as Arneson. That is why I wrote "our drives". Sorry if it was not clear.

    I dis not write that I had Arnesons for 28 years (someone else did). Now, as to parts, there are several aftermarket copies of Arneson on the market (China / Brazil). Those may / may not work.

    In this forum, there is a representative of Arneson who has posted a number of times... Cannot remember his name off the top of my head (Tom?). I would suggest you type "arneson" in the search and contact him. I would also contact your local Twin Disc dealer... If for no other reason than you are assured of getting the correct / matching parts.

    If you just need a bearing, we may be able to help... We keep a few thousand in stock in our French office for various drives (mostly our own, but some others). The ASD has undergone a few changes over the years... Send me the details on the specific bearing you need and we may have it in stock.
  8. cigarette 24
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    cigarette 24 Junior Member

    Looks Like France Helices Found The Answer To Arnesons' Problems !

    Jmieles3- I Viewed The Helices Site & I Can Tell You They Have The Solution To All The Problems Like Errosion To The Drives & No Hydraulics (rams Or Lines ) On The Outside . I Really Like It ! How About The Cost ? P.s. Can You Give Me More Information About The Aftermarket Parts For The Arnesons Because I Can't Find It ?thank You .
  9. jmiele3
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    jmiele3 Junior Member

    Similar to ASD6 would be our SDS1, roughly US$40K CIF USA. Depending on the vessel / engine (size of drive is largely determined by displacement / torque), so SDS2 is possible.

    Since I am in Asia, we don't see too many Cigarette out here. Last year, we quoted one in the Philippines (a 41' if I remember correctly) with SDS2 that was near US$50K landed, plus shipyard labor.

    I can send calculations and a quote to you if you send me your vessel specifics (model hull, dimensions, displacement, engine details), along with a firm price.

    Note: We never sell for single shaft due to torsion... The race guys can usually deal with it, but most others it causes problems. With single engine, we usually recommend a stern drive or water jet.

    As to the bearing, which bearing in the ASD is faulty? (There should be two)... Send me a note to the address below and I'll have Cannes and Paris check the inventory. The main roller bearing, though, will probably not be cheap. Since we are not Arneson, our stock may be limited (We are usually involved with Arneson drives only if someone needs a replacement propeller... In those cases, the bearings are sometimes needing replacement, too)

    The best-known copy of Arneson is Jolly drives out of Italy... It is essentially a copy made once Arneson's patent expired. You should contact them to see if their bearings will fit (IIRC, they may). You should also try these guys, since they also sell re-conditioned drives: Finally, I know that the guys at FJ in Florida keep a huge inventory of spares... You could try them, too

    Last edited: Aug 21, 2013
  10. Rik
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    Rik Senior Member

    If you need parts, we have them in stock.

  11. Rik
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    Rik Senior Member

    We have a conversion kit to convert from your I/O to an Arneson. Look at our we site for our Arneson Bravo Conversion Kits:

  12. 01Jacek
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    01Jacek New Member

    Roughly, how much for conversion kit to my Rib Paker 900 Baltic 2x230 kM Cummins QSD 2.8 with Bravo one legs. What do you think about this idea to change drives - would it works in this kind od boat.

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