How many fibreglass layers - No wood....

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Garu1979, May 10, 2013.

  1. Garu1979
    Joined: May 2013
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    Garu1979 Junior Member

    I have a 15' boat, pics attached. When I got her second hand the paint and fibreglass inside was all nasty and peeling. I have stripped a fair bit off and am down to the last layer of fibreglass between the outside of the boat. There is NO WOOD...

    If I was to sand it all down to make it even and then re-do the floor as such, how many layers thick should it be, if there is no wood??

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  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    In the photo it looks like you only removed gelcoat. Was there fiberglass fabric delaminating too?
  3. Garu1979
    Joined: May 2013
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    Garu1979 Junior Member

    Yep def removed sheets of fibreglass too, prob a couple of mm's. I will try and take a fresher photo. I am literally down to the final sheet of fibreglass before the bottom.
  4. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    if and when you post pictures then make sure they have detail to them !! wide shots are hard to get any sort of idea what happened !! not being picky just trying to be practical !! :(

  5. HakimKlunker
    Joined: Aug 2009
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    HakimKlunker Andreas der Juengere

    At a location that was not touched you can drill a test hole and measure out the thickness.
    If you were grinding down to next to nothing you should make sure that the boat is aligned and fair in surfaces before you begin re-glassing.
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