How does one work out best place for center console on a hull rebuild?

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by johnnythefish, Jun 25, 2020.

  1. johnnythefish
    Joined: May 2016
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    johnnythefish Junior Member

    What is the best way to figure out where to place a center console on a hull rebuild?
    I could either launch the boat and move weights around or try and calculate it.
    Boat is 23 feet long with quite a shallow V. It spends much of its life at 7-8 kts and then some at planning speed.

    I know there is a trade off with planning hulls isn’t there when it comes to best weight distribution at displacement and planning speeds?
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    It depends on a few things, but for comfort's sake, perhaps a little further back than amidships.
  3. johnnythefish
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    johnnythefish Junior Member

    Here is my hull extension.

    I have added 3.5 feet. Here is how the boat was before... I am wondering whether I have the new console in the right place. I think it looks best. But a little worried it may be a little far back. Boat spends a lot of time trolling at 7 kts and when I run somewhere I have found about 20kts comfortable ...

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  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Neat job, and the console position seems OK. You will get a better ride by not going too far forward.
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  5. johnnythefish
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    johnnythefish Junior Member

    Would it be worth testing it in the water before fixing console permanently? My only concern is it’s come back about 2 feet for 3.5 Foot extension. Engine gone up in weight to from 90 Ficht ram to Yamaha 150 4 stroke. I know I can move weights around the boat. At the moment thought all batteries are under the seat and fuel under the console.
    Some other pics...

  6. Barry
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    Barry Senior Member

    If it were mine, I would measure the deadrise, weight, beam and length with the engine. Then check out comparable boats that have a center console. It is not rocket science, Ie you will be close. You might even just check out the internet, print some side profiles of equivalent dimensioned boats, scale the dimensions and get there without making a physical trip to see where the placement might be
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2020
  7. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Obviously if it isn't too much trouble to experiment with placement, that would be the way to go, but you would need to test in a variety of conditions. I don't think you are far off the mark you will settle on, as it is, but the other factor is the number of people you will carry, and where, plus location of fish box, all of which can add up.
  8. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    I think it's fine where it is but, have you moved the battery and tank too?
    Remember, the battery doesn't change weight but the tank does and it may be bigger because of the larger motor.
    You could do a weight and balance for the old set-up and then compare it to your new set-up's weight and balance.
    The best would be to experiment once it's in the water though.
  9. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    One thing you can do, put some blocks under the back of the trailer, and slowly roll the boat back along the trailer, till it starts to tip, mark that point on the boat, then measure how far forward of the transom it is. It should be around a third of the boat length, any less, the chances are you need to be thinking of having weights go forward.
  10. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    That does look like a nice roomy, steady boat to be fishing out of, but the ride might be a bit severe, which is probably a reason to err on the side of having the console back, rather than forward. But keeping the knees bent, does help !
  11. Cajunpockettunnel
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    Cajunpockettunnel Senior Member

    Nice boat! If it were mine, I would place the console 2/3rds of the way back for a bit of a more comfortable ride as everyone else has said. She's yours though brother. Put it where you want.
  12. johnnythefish
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    johnnythefish Junior Member



    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I launched her to mark the waterline. Can still move the console a bit. She has about 100 lts if ballast where the fuel should be but nothing else on board.

    Wondering whether she is floating a bit bow high?
  13. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Looks OK !
  14. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    I look at where to mount it a little differently.

    I set my boats up for fishing, so thats the primary objective when determining the layout. I don't make long runs to the fishing areas so the ride at speed may be compromised for fishing efficiency.

    If the type of fishing benefits from more room behind the consol, I move it forward. Or the other way around if that works better.

    I may run 15 minutes and then fish for several hours, the several hours of fishing is whats important to me, The 15 minute run can be tolerated even if the ride isn't as good as it could be. Moving other stuff around can help a bit to improve the balance if required.

    Most of the serious fishing boats here are set up with tiller steering to eliminate the console for more room. The longer the run, the less desirable this layout is.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2020
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  15. Cajunpockettunnel
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    Cajunpockettunnel Senior Member

    I second that!
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