How about this for a low cost pleasure cruiser

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by elhewman, Apr 9, 2011.

  1. elhewman
    Joined: Apr 2011
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    elhewman Junior Member

  2. BYDE
    Joined: Mar 2011
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    BYDE Junior Member

    it's just 1 photo but it looks like a good deal. and it seems suitable to easily make your own little modifications
  3. cthippo
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    cthippo Senior Member

    Bring a sleeping bag and sail it up there.
  4. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    DUDE! Looks like just what you were looking for a while back.
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    BATAAN Senior Member

    Go for it! Throttle back and you'll go farther with less $$.
  6. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    Get a survey and be cautious of any glassed over wood hulls, I've looked at a number of these kinds of boats and all I can say is be careful, have fun with it and take your time. Choosing what to buy is the most important part of maintaining it. Check the cost of mooring and the costs of whatever immediate maintenance is required. Also might ask why its so cheap and find out how long its been on the market.

    best of luck
  7. cthippo
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    cthippo Senior Member

    Not sure how I would fit 4 people in 2 cabins in that much space. I've been working on the Kayak Tender design again and I'm at 42'x10' and I think I've checked all the boxes.
  8. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Ok, cool. Also, I missed that it was fiberglass over wood, as Boston is pointing out. Those may last a while... or may not, so not a good one anyway.

  9. elhewman
    Joined: Apr 2011
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    elhewman Junior Member

    Sounds to good to be true. Probably is. Been on the market a while.
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