Hopefully starting new small fishing/hunting boat Co. part time

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by southerntidefan, Mar 19, 2015.

  1. southerntidefan
    Joined: Mar 2015
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    southerntidefan Junior Member

    First I'm not looking to get rich, I have alot of off time and I'm getting fat and I've dreamed of this for years. Seeking advice on finding 1/8 aluminum sheets 18' long. I haven't fully designed my hull yet, but I'm thinking longest hull will be 18'. Extra wide like 70-80". Seeking advice from those that give it. Just by chance I work with a dude now that was a builder for years. He suggests a vbow, but I like the idea of bowfishing from my boats. For sure I need to find an aluminum supplier as everyone around here carries 5x10 sheets. I'm in SE Alabama but can travel some. Thanks in advance.

  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I expect you'll get neither rich, nor slim, which is a pity. Needless to say, aluminium is available in continuous sheet lengths greater than you mention, that would be about the least of your problems though. You need a suitable design, and the right equipment, and proficiency in its use, to get anywhere.
  3. southerntidefan
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    southerntidefan Junior Member

    I have all equipment except 20 foot brake and I am a master welder/fabricator. As of now, procurement of long enough sheets is the problem.
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Google "aluminium supplies" in the nearest city area.
  5. southerntidefan
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    southerntidefan Junior Member

    Nothing found locally, for that matter nothing found on web
  6. southerntidefan
    Joined: Mar 2015
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    southerntidefan Junior Member

    Found material now to finish design.
  7. Jammer Six

    Jammer Six Previous Member

    Best of luck, Adam!

  8. southerntidefan
    Joined: Mar 2015
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    southerntidefan Junior Member

    Thank you jammer. Flat bottom, vbow design will be my first. When I get going in the next month I'll post a build thread.
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