Honey wax

Discussion in 'Materials' started by JTF, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. JTF
    Joined: Nov 2012
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    JTF Junior Member

    Hi all,
    Up untill 12 or so months ago I was using honey was mould release agent. I was getting it from Valspar before they stopped supplying the fibreglass industry here. My question is, is there anywhere in Melbourne Australia that I can still bye this product from as I found it the be a very trusted product. I'm now using CR wax but it takes way to long to wipe off. I have also used Free cote WOLO I found this to be good but also costly. I have contacted the US about honey wax but just to get the box out here is over $650 usd + the cost of the product.
    Any help would be very much appreciated.
    Cheers, Jase.
  2. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

    Beeswax (so called in in the USA) is used to seal toilets to the floor. Extremely cheap in the US. It must be the same product in Australia.
  3. JTF
    Joined: Nov 2012
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    JTF Junior Member

    Hi alan,
    No not the same product.
  4. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    TR Wax is the next best thing !!
    I had also used bees wax years ago .
    Just about every country i worked in the last 10 years they use TR Products .its good quick easy to use and never had a mishap yet !!:D:p:p

    You said !!
    I'm now using CR wax but it takes way to long to wipe off!! CR or TR ??

    The secret is to get a sponge and wet it sqeeze out the water and use that to apply the wax you need to get a very thin even coat and then leave it along and dont touch it for 5 to 10 minutes , you can do two areas at the same time and come back to the first after you applied the second area then wipe it off softly and polish to a glossy shine !!!, never ever apply heavy coats of any kind of wax !!,all you do is waste it !! TR wax can be rubbed on and left for a week if need be !! remember the secret wet sponge and thin coat !!!!
  5. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Amazing thread --no one has a bloody clue as to what the OP wants to know about,---is it honey,--is it bees wax.. Lets not bother lets just get an opinion in ASAP>

    What is honey wax/ Do you mean bees wax?
  6. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Amazing thread --no one has a bloody clue as to what the OP wants to know about,---is it honey,--is it bees wax.. Lets not bother lets just get an opinion in ASAP> sit and calm down you going to have a heart attack !!!
    What is honey wax/ Do you mean bees wax? Aaaaah it could be !!
    what would you think ??
    honey ,bees.
    bees ,honey !!!
    You could say hes trying to find honey wax which the bees make !!

    Dosent really matter that much hes already using another wax just dosent like having to work a little harder to rub it off . But that i feel is of his own making !!
    if you cant adapt to new and differant things who's problem is it ??
  7. idkfa
    Joined: Sep 2005
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    idkfa Senior Member

    Love the stuff!

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  8. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    And that the stuff you seal toilets with?
  9. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Putting all the waxes out there that i have used over all my time working in Fibreglass i can narrow it down to just two !!
    First and top of the list would be Johstons floor wax !! it can be used any where on any surface incuding rought sawn timber, steel ,aluminium , hard clay, concrete ,and fibreglass highly polished moulds and always releases everytime .
    Second is the good old everyday TR wax ,

    With all and any wax you use its the application thats really the key to its success . Understanding the products and what waxing is really all about . when you wax are you trying to rub it into the surface to fill all the pours or just skimming over the top and hoping for the best ??

    PVA release agent is also way up near the top of my list as well ! it took me more than 10 years to learn what could be done with pva and once i learned from a guy i worked with ,i found you really didnt need any wax at all . :eek::confused:
  10. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    NO !!
  11. wet feet
    Joined: Nov 2004
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    wet feet Senior Member

    Honey wax is widely available in Europe and a lot of laminators of my acquaintance like it. Some because it suffers less from exposure to weather than most waxes.I also find the old fashioned Simoniz-in yellow cans-very reliable for most uses.
  12. JTF
    Joined: Nov 2012
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    JTF Junior Member

    My apologies, CR was ment to be TR iPhone issue lol. idkfa hint the nail on the head, that's the product, thanks mate. Thanks tunnels I would of never of thought to using a damp sponge. Your procedure and theary goes against manufactures instructions but I will try it on a test panel first.
    Cheers, Jase.
  13. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Its just wax at the end of the day !! its whats recommended to apply car wax !! just a off cut of soft spong drop it in a basin of water till its completely wet pick iy up and squeeze it out , you need the moisture to help spread the wax around in a nice thin coat the moisture helps to slow down the drying . :p
    There lots the manufactures dont know about there products . Spraying pva is my favorite ,have posted the procedure a few times and never had anyone complain in fact just the opposite even after a year i had some one say how well it had worked !! used properly you dont need any wax at all can just use pva !!:D
    While on the subject of wax , the guys i worked with in tahiti used just off the shelf at the local service station silicone car wax !! its was fantastic just one good well rubbed coat with a damp sponge and wait till it turned white and polish off instant release every time ,never had the hint of a problem at all !! its much cheaper then all and any of the waxes used in the fibreglass industry and once you get over the shock of how good it is why bother using anything else . BUT like all things there are some tricks to gel coating over it so be warned if you want to try it !! . :confused:
    To get your eyes opened you have to go and exsperiance what and how people use gelcoats ,resins and glass in far off isolated out of the way places !! when there nothing else to use you improvise and when it works why change !!
    You never to old to learn new things and learn from others !:p
  14. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Johnsons furniture/ floor wax wax has worked for me for the small work I have done

  15. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    In all reality its the only wax you need !! thats it !!! one suits all occassions !! :D
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