Holy moly 2 mast junk rigged 29ft scow!

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by pironiero, Mar 15, 2021.

  1. pironiero
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    pironiero Coping

    Holy moly 2 mast junk rigged 29ft scow!
    He also got a build log on his channel
    Will Gilmore and bajansailor like this.
  2. cluttonfred
    Joined: Mar 2014
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    cluttonfred Senior Member

    Neat stuff. Phil Bolger would have liked this one, I think.

    From his YouTube "About" page....


    A large livable sailboat, transportable on trailer, type scow for a maximum living space, a planing hull for pleasure, 2 rotating self-supported carbon masts in 2 parts to make simple, light and removable, a small draft with 2 drifts for beaching on the sand ...

    Technical data :
    length: 8,80 m
    width: 2.54 m (road width - 1cm)
    draft: 0,80 m
    Number of masts: 2, carbon, rotative
    Misaine sail: 13,4 m², boom
    Main sail: 20,1 m², boom
    Spinnaker : to come (45 m² asymmetric)
    Weight: 1700 kg
    Max load: 1320 kg
    Construction Category: C (STIX for B)
    Engine: HB 15 HP max (Mercury 9,9 HP long shaft)

    Construction Blog: Musard29 http://musard29.heoblog.com/index.php?
  3. sharpii2
    Joined: May 2004
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    sharpii2 Senior Member

    Not junk rigged, but Bermuda rigged as a 'cat' ketch with around mast roller furling sails.

    The hull is more a pram than a scow, but we can call it a scow.

    Got to love the French. They always seem to be looking for easier ways to be doing things.
    pironiero likes this.
  4. pironiero
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    pironiero Coping

    sailing in calm wind
  5. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    My decade old Cox's Bay Skimmer. cox's summer.jpg skimmer copy.jpg skimmerside copy - Copy.jpg cox's summer.jpg skimmer copy.jpg skimmerside copy - Copy.jpg
    pironiero likes this.

  6. pironiero
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    pironiero Coping

    looking awesome!
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