Holtrop and Mennen' method in EXCEL spread sheet

Discussion in 'Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics' started by abalkees, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. abalkees
    Joined: Dec 2013
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    abalkees Junior Member


    Does any one has an EXCEL spread sheet for Holtrop and Mennen method to calculate resistance?

    Many Thanks
  2. quequen
    Joined: Jul 2009
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    quequen Senior Member

    Hi! Check the spreadsheets library at Software subforum ;)
  3. abalkees
    Joined: Dec 2013
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    abalkees Junior Member

    Thx Que,

    I have searched before but all the links for Holtrop and Mennen spreadsheets do not work.

    can u please help with referring to a specific post in the Software library?


  4. quequen
    Joined: Jul 2009
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    quequen Senior Member

    Links work ok. for me, anyway here you have a cup of files (one of them is in spanish).

    Attached Files:

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