Hogfish Maximus - 44ish sailing sharpie?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by DennisRB, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. DennisRB
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    DennisRB Senior Member

    I have seen this come up a few times on forums. Does anyone have more pics or info on this boat? Would it be a safe blue water cruiser? Comfort in a seaway? It seems like it would be a pretty cheap boat to build and the ability to beach is great.


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  2. frank smith
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    frank smith Senior Member

    Look like a nice boat. I not sure how someone gets any info out of Chris Morejohn , I have tried and so have others. But the idea is not to hard to grasp. reminds me of a Bolger sharpie ,or a Norwalk island sharpie. It looks to sail with alot of heel.
    Interesting design. It would be nice to get some basic specs. I think he has sailed it from Florida to the Med , so I guess it will handle some offshore conditions.
    I would look to the AS39 for comfort info, although I think it has a ballasted center board.
  3. BriggsMonteith
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    BriggsMonteith Junior Member

    This boat is othing like a bolger as series or norwalk island sharpie, simply because the HFM displaces over 30,000 lbs
  4. frank smith
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    frank smith Senior Member

    Nice that you have some info , do you have any more?
  5. BriggsMonteith
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    BriggsMonteith Junior Member

    I have some drawings/study plans and some interior photos of chrises boat. I'll post them in this thread, probably tonight...
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  6. frank smith
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    frank smith Senior Member

    Briggs, thanks for posting that, It answers many questions.
    Very smart design.

  7. DennisRB
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    DennisRB Senior Member

    Thanks Briggs. How did you find out so much about this boat?? What are his thoughts on self righting and ocean capability? Does it have standing room inside? Is the dagger board ballasted? I love its ability to be beached.
  8. BriggsMonteith
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    BriggsMonteith Junior Member

    All of this stuff was passed on to me by a someone who has been very generous with his time and information. I have not been able to get a hold of Mr. Morejohn either....

    The boat has standing headroom throughout and is designed to go anywhere that water is in a liquid state to the best of my knowledge.


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  9. tom28571
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    tom28571 Senior Member

    There is the Norwalk Island 43 that is similar in that it is blue water capable and can ground upright on a center keel (with CB) and twin rudder skegs. Don't know the displacement but it might be close.
  10. BriggsMonteith
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    BriggsMonteith Junior Member

    I believe Kirby put a shallow ballast fin on the 43 to keep the boat in the light category, if memory serves me correct the 43 was somewhere around 18000#
  11. BriggsMonteith
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    BriggsMonteith Junior Member

    The hogfish is also 6 feet shorter, a real lead mine...
  12. frank smith
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    frank smith Senior Member

    Briggs , is Chris going to make the plans available any time ?
  13. BriggsMonteith
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    BriggsMonteith Junior Member

    Well he's been AWOL for a couple of years now, so I don't know.
  14. frank smith
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    frank smith Senior Member

    Thanks again , I have been interested in his sharpie designs for a while.


  15. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Here's something "similar" from Fitzgibbon- for your interest. Regards from Jeff. http://www.boatpoint.com.au/boats-for-sale/boatdetails.aspx?R=8895063
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